Chapter 11

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[Zayn's P.O.V]


It's been a month since I told Louis about my pregnancy and true to his word, he took really good care of me, even though I'm only about 6 weeks pregnant, there's a tiny bump that's starting to form, my abs are beginning to disappear too, so I just used the 'I'm just getting chubby' excuse, which is starting to be a problem since my dad's asking me to go work out with him, and that wouldn't be great for the baby. I've been staying over Louis' place very often too, to avoid my parents and stress since Dad's seems to be excited about me taking over the company in the next 5 years! I still haven't told them about Louis and my relationship and the baby yet, actually, we never told anyone yet since I'm too scared with their reactions and it'll just give me stress and depression. Anyway, right now, I'm laying in Louis' bed, wearing his sweater which is a little bigger than me and perfect for hiding the already starting to form bump, it's not big and noticeable to be honest, but I'm paranoid as fuck. It's 6:05PM right now, Louis will be home any minute now.  

The door opened and revealed a very tired Louis, "Hey, Babe." he smiled before walking to me, giving me a peck.

"Hey, Lou." I smiled.

"How are you going? Is the baby alright?" he asked as he jumped beside me, kicking his shoes off in the process.

"Lou, I'm only 6 weeks pregnant, I'm fine." I rolled my eyes.

"Just checking, Babe." he smiled before moving his hand under my shirt, feeling my stomach which made me smile, "Hey there little Zouis." he said, moving closer.

"Little Zouis?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Well, I don't know if the baby's going to be a boy or a girl so I'll just call him/her that, our combined names. We can call him/her Baby Zouis too, if you like." he explained, still rubbing my stomach.

"Well, do you have any preference on what Baby Zouis' gender will be?" I asked.

"Hmm... I'm really good with any really, doesn't matter if they're a boy or a girl as long as they're healthy." Louis said, "They won't be dating until they're like thirty though..."

I chuckled, "You couldn't be that cruel, and Little Zouis is only 6 weeks, we have a lot of time."

"Time flies, Z, one day they'll do nothing but eat, poop and sleep but then the next thing you know they'll be in front of you introducing they're boyfriend or girlfriend, or worse, their fiance!" Louis dramatically said.

I rolled my eyes, "Can you quit thinking about them growing up so fast."

"I'm just scared about that part." he smiled.

I sighed, "You're more scared about that than the problem we have now."

He stayed silent.

"I'll begin to show sooner or later, Lou... How are we going to explain this to everyone?" I said looking at him.

He sighed, removing his hand from my stomach and pulled me closer to him, making me lay on his chest, "Are you ready to tell everyone though?" he asked.

"It's not like we have a choice." I buried my face to his neck, "It'll be harder if we keep waiting longer."

"I'm ready if you are, Zayn, I'll be by your side." he said, brushing his fingers through my hair. "No matter what happens."

"Even if they'll hate us, kick us out and we have to live on our own?" I challenged, "It's not going to be easy, Lou... We won't get a decent job at this age."

"Of course, I already had money saved up for us. It's not a lot, but it's enough to get us an apartment to rent." he said, "But, you're over thinking a little, Zayn, I'm sure they'll support us, at least Liam, Niall and Harry will."

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