Chapter 31

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[Louis' P.O.V]

I decided to tell everyone about Eleanor's crush on me. To be honest, it feels a little strange to think that she's behind this. Eleanor's shy and it's not like we have been interacting a lot lately, hell, I don't even know when's the last time we talked.

"She sounds harmless though." Justin commented.

"Well, unless you have any other ideas on who it might be, then go ahead and share it." I shrugged.

Justin thought for a while, "Yeah, I don't have one."

"Well, we don't really have other options." Trisha sighed, "We should get her investigated, Yaser."

"Yes, we should get as much clues as we can." Yaser nodded, "However, you boys don't make any confrontation yet or make it obvious we're on to her."

We all nodded in agreement.

"Now, to another bigger problem." Trisha sighed, "Zayn's not really in the best light right now."

"I sent a message to those in charge of the school's social account while we're talking," Justin said while waving his phone, "they said they'll take it down as soon as possible and try to remove it from other people's account who shared it or reposted. They're really sorry, and also promised to track down who posted it."

"Alright, that's good, thank you, Justin." Yaser nodded, "I guess we'll just have to wait until this all calm down. In the meantime, we should cheer Zayn up and distract him from the negative comments other people have."

"We'll defend Zayn when we hear anyone talking bad about him." Harry said.

"Yeah, but should we explain the truth to them?" Niall said, "Like Louis' the father and all?"

"Hmmm..." Yaser thought, "There's no point in hiding it, but... that is Louis' choice." he looked directly at me.

"O-of course! Zayn's my responsibility so I won't hide that I'm the father." I said.

"That's good to hear." Yaser smiled, which shocked me cause I swore the only time this man will like me if I can walk on water or something impossible like that, "In return, we will help you in not getting expelled."

"You don't really have to shout out that you got my son knocked up, only when necessary cause we don't need to add more scene in this issue." Trisha said.

"Alright... I'll always be ready to defend Zayn." I promised.


The meeting ended up with Yaser and Trisha saying they'll hire a private investigator and a lawyer. The guys went home after that, Zayn needed me so I stayed behind and just went straight to his room. He was still sleeping when I entered so I just cuddled beside him and started thinking.

I still couldn't believe that Eleanor will do that... and her and Miles teaming up? That's just a little crazy... and all because she have a crush on me...? Or is there something wrong that we did to her...?

I try to rack my brain for any memories that we wronged her, but nothing came up.

I sighed and rubbed my temples, this is stressing me out.

Maybe I should just take it easy and wait for the investigation's results.

For now, I should show Zayn that I'm fully supporting them and won't run away to save myself. I should lessen the stress and make him happy.


[Zayn's P.O.V]

I woke up to see Louis softly snoring beside me. I can't help but feel relieved that he's still with me. His arms wrapped around me gives a lot of comfort, making me feel like everything will be alright as long as we're together.

My attention turned to my phone, which isn't ringing like crazy but it's still showing notifications every once in awhile. I was tempted to get it and read what people are saying about me, but I have to remember that stress isn't good for the baby, and I don't want anything bad to happen to our baby.

I sighed and cuddled closer to Louis' chest, just trying to feel more comfortable and calm down. I started wondering what I did to Miles or anyone that this happened to me. I've always minded my own business, not really listening in to gossips... well, maybe sometimes, but it's not my fault they're talking too loud, and I don't spread it around and add any false details in it.

Graduation will be really awkward but I studied hard for it so why should I care about what other people think? Sure my parents had to make some arrangements to keep in school despite being pregnant but that's all! They never bribed or paid anyone for me to pass. Just because I'm expecting earlier doesn't mean my life's over. I got a lot of people supporting me so I shouldn't give in to those rumours.

"Z...?" Louis yawned while rubbing his eyes.

"Hey, Lou." I smiled at him.

"How are you feeling?" he asked before laying his head on my shoulder.

"Nervous, to be honest... but, I'm sure we'll make through it, right? They're bound to find out anyway, it just sucks it had to be this way." I sighed.

"We're already working on it, so you shouldn't worry about it too much." he said after kissing my shoulder, "Just stay out of twitter and facebook for a while."

"Yeah, I guess... been spending more time in tumblr and pinterest lately, good thing no one knows about those." I said.

"What are you doing in pinterest?" Louis looked at me curiously.

I blushed, "Just looking for some baby stuff..."

Louis chuckled, "Found anything good?"

"I got a lot in my board actually... we should get back to it later after all this mess is done." I said as I ran my hand through his hair.

"We'll fix this as soon as possible, Z, then we can focus more on graduation then after that, we can move to that small apartment, then we prepare for the baby... me getting a job so we can move into a more bigger house then expand our little family." Louis said then kissed my cheek.

"I'm not giving you any more babies until we're married, Lou." I rolled my eyes.

"Well, that can be arranged." Louis chuckled.

We were quiet for a minute...

"You don't regret this right, Lou?"


AN: Just a filler chapter, sorry if it sucks, had a rough week... I'll do better next time...





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