Chapter 18

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[Louis' P.O.V]

"I think Zayn doesn't like me today." Harry said as he took a seat beside me.

"And why do you think that?" I asked before taking a bite of my sandwich.

"He glared at me earlier during homeroom." Harry answered.

"Well, Zayn is never a morning person, and you really are annoying with your cheery attitude in the morning." I shrugged.

"Fuck you then." Harry glared, "But he seems to be also pissed when I-"

"Hey, Lou." I felt a peck on my cheek. I turned my head and saw Zayn looking cute and hot with his nerdy glasses.

"Hi, Zayn!" Harry smiled at him.

"Harry." Zayn's smile dropped before taking a seat.

"See? He's being mean." Harry pouted.

"Zayn, why are you mean to Harry?" I sighed, knowing that if I didn't fix this problem, Harry would keep whining since he hates it when one of us ignores him, and not in a joking way.

"I was not." he answered.

"Yes you were! You ignored me during homeroom!" Harry whined before standing up to seat next to Zayn, "Harry's sorry!" he pouted, putting on a puppy face and snuggling on Zayn like a puppy.

Zayn tried to ignore it but with his crazy hormones and brotherly affection for Harry, I'm sure he'll forgive Harry.

"Z... Zaynie... Zaynieboo..." Harry called in different sweet tones to catch Zayn's attention.

I watched them for about a minute until Zayn finally broke a smile and squished Harry's face, "You're an adorable little shit, aren't you?" Zayn cooed.

"Am I forgiven now? I don't really know what I did though..." Harry said, his face still being squished by Zayn.

"If you go get me lunch right now, you will be." Zayn said letting go of Harry.

"Okay!" Harry smiled before getting up and walking to the food area.

"So why were you mad at him again?" I asked while putting him on my lap, "Did something happen last night?"

"He woke me up." Zayn said as he snuggled closer. "While I was having an interesting dream."

"Ooh, does that dream includes me, you, no clothes-"

"Oh my god, Louis no!" Zayn laughed, "It's about our baby..."

"Baby Zouis? What happened?" I asked as I pulled him closer to slide my hand under his shirt to hold his tummy.

"Baby Zouis was just born, you were holding him actually, cooing at him and stuff. You were about to show me our baby but I woke up from Harry's call!" Zayn pouted, "It really pisses me off, like I really want to know what Baby Zouis would look like."

"We will soon, Z, don't worry." I said before kissing his forehead, "I'm sure Baby Zouis would look beautiful."

"Yeah, especially when Baby Zouis will have your eyes." Zayn smiled, "That'll be adorable."

I didn't say anything but just held him, imagining what our baby will look like, creating a face using Zayn and my facial features.

I wonder what Baby Zouis would be like? Hyper? Shy? 

I smiled at the possibilities, just the thought of Baby Zouis makes me happy. I gave Zayn some kisses again and just cuddle him.

"Ugh, do you two have to really show that world that you're together being all lovey dovey and shit." Niall groaned before taking a seat, "You're making me jealous." he pouted.

Pregnant With My Best Friend's Baby [Zouis Fanfic] [BoyxBoy]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora