Chapter 6

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[Zayn's P.O.V]

It's been a week since the party, but everyone was still talking about what happened, looks like Justin Bieber had another successful party. There were a few changes after the party, like Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, aka the Power Couple, broke up, Taylor Swift and Demi Lovato are now bitter rivals, same with Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez, all because of a guy, I'm not quite sure who it is... nor care... this is high school... it's normal... but there is only one change that I care about... it's Liam and Danielle, she's been avoiding him ever since the party and Liam's upset... and an upset Liam is a whiny needy Liam... like a girl who got dumped by her boyfriend for her evil step sister on her birthday...

"I really don't get it, Zee! I never meant to scare her off! I was drunk!" Liam sighed.

"Just give her some time, Li, if I were in her shoes, I would seriously be embarrassed." I comforted him.

He sighed, "I guess... I'm just worried that she'll find some other guy... like Josh Devine! He seems to be following her this past few days..."

"Liam, if she really likes you, she won't go for Josh... but if she did, hey... there's a lot of fish in the sea!" I said.

"But most of the fishies are ugly!" Liam whined.

I rolled my eyes, "Liam, if you fucking swim further you'll see pretty fishies..."

"But I don't wanna marry a fish!"

See? Liam may be the protective daddy of the group but he can be a whiny teenage girl on her period... oh god... did that make me sound sexist? My bad... Sorry...

"Well-" I was about to say something but I suddenly felt like vomiting.

I quickly ran to Liam's bathroom and puke all my guts out in his toilet.

"Oh my god, Zayn, are you alright?!" Liam quickly came to my side.

"Yeah... I just...felt a little sick for a few seconds... but I'm good now..." I breathed out.

"You sure? Since when were you vomiting?" Liam asked as he fill the plastic cup with water from the sink.

"Just now actually..." I said as I took the cup he handed me, drinking it to get rid of the horrid taste.

"Are you sick? Did you eat something bad?" Liam asked as he helped me out of the bathroom and on his bed.

"Maybe the pizza earlier? yeah, i think that pizza was going bad." I concluded.

"You should be careful next time, you know..." he said sternly, "You might get food poisoning or something!"

"I will be careful, Dad..." I rolled my eyes playfully, but my stomach feels funny again then I started throwing up on his bed, "oh shit, Liam, I'm so sorry-"

"Oh, god, Zee, I'll take you to the hospital! Hold on!" Liam said as he picked me up.

"No, Liam! Stop!" I said as I move around to make him drop me, which he did but on the vomited sheets.

"Your fault, not mine." Liam said as he raised his hands in surrender when I gave him an accusing glare, "Anyway, you sure you don't want to get checked? Because seriously Zayn, if you get poisoned-"

"Liam, I'm alright, don't worry..." I sighed and I lay down, completely forgetting the vomit, "Oh god..." I froze.

 Liam laughed causing me to glare at him but not moving from my place, "Shut up, Liam, and help me."

Liam wasn't disgusted with my vomit and picked me up.

"LEEEEEEEEEYUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!" The door barged open, causing the both of us to jump and Liam to drop me on the disgusting sheets again.

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