
"And why should I sign that?" Asked Lucy.
Porsha scoffed. "You kiddin', right? Why shouldn't you? You've seen it, it's good, now sign it." She handed the documents which were to guarantee her acceptance of the lead role in the soon to be a hit movie She Wolf. It was short and simple, yet perfect.Love In Davy Jones Locker would have to wait. She sighed the papers."Now, can I go?"
"Sure...Boss." Porsha winked and left. She was leaving when she saw someone enter...Jayson D-for determined. What was he doing in her company?
She immediately made a U-turn to her office, increasing her pace.Fortunately or unfortunately, he met up with her.
"Lucy-girl." Her caught her left wrist with his right hand. "Don't tell me you were tryna escape me."
"Of course not, Jayson D-guy. I was merely heading..." She checked him out. "...to my office. What are you doing here?"
As though he was waiting for a question. "Came to treat you to some toast and coffee.Breakfast."
She immediately responded with a grimace, a realy creased expression. "Toast...and...coffee?"
"Yeah what's wrong?" He smiled innocently.
"Nothing. Thanks but no thanks.I had breakfa..."
"No you didn't"
"Yes, I did." She lied."how would you know? Are you stalking me?"
"No" he took a deep breath. "Okay, let's not call it breakfast, brunch."
"I won't take 'no' for an answer,bestie." He smiled.
She arched a brow, grimaced and twisted her little pink lips in disgust. "Who' you calling bestie.?"
"you." He winked and laughed. "Told ya we're gon' be besties,right?"
"And I told you I'd love to see you try, didn't I?"
"Exactly" he said. "So, my bestie, how about brunch with your bestie?"
"No" she said, bringing out the Lucy Smolette face of intimidation.
No effect.
"You don't scare me, bestie."
"Will you quit calling me that?"
"Calling you what bestie?"
"That!" She yelled.
"Yes, that."
"Maybe after brunch with me I could consider." His words were final.
She wondered where he sprang from. Some guy he was. He wasn't trying to impress her.Toast and coffee? So simple and yet so very...simple.Was that all he could afford for lucy Smolette.
"I'll call security on you." She threatened with a smile.
"I know where you live."
"Is that a threat?" She asked.
"Was that a threat, bestie?" He asked too."just brunch, then I'll let you go."
She had nothing to say.she asessed him again.he wore ankle-length jeans, t-shirt, face cap and matching sneakers, all white and Armani.He stood there, looking her in the eye like some demon sent to weaken her soul with that fine physique and gracious face...tempting. Temptation brought forth.
"I ain't going on a date with...you." She said.
Temptation overruled.
"Date? I ain't asking you out on a date.far from that, what's bruch between besties? I ain't going nowhere 'till you come with me."
There was no denying this one."fine."
"Great!" He held her hand to lead her.
"I can walk...on my own."
He let her go. She walked ahead of him and out to the parking lot. He pressed a botton and his car tried beaming but was rather choking. It was 20years old and looked 20years older. If the car could talk, it would probably beg for resignation and freedom to die.
Lucy stopped and looked at him. He smiled and shrugged. "Is that all you got? Huh,bestie?"
His smile said it all.God forbid I get in that.She thought to herself, out of more sympathy for the car than of pride.
She got out her car key pack which was sort of a phone kinda device.and there came in a heaven sent JayKraps automatic controlled by the keypad in her hand.
"Woah" Jayson gasped.
The car stopped and automatically opened on both sides. "Get in." She said to Jayson as she took the drivers seat.He did.
"Can you drive?" What a lame question to ask her.
She ignored. She brought the keypad thingie to her mouth and spoke. "Heaven's Best." She slotted the pad in an entering beneath the steering wheel and pushed the red botton. Not a second before the car took off with the speed of light, automatic.


Heaven's Best. A couple of blocks away. Magnificent building. Don't show up if you can't afford a flat screen tv, 'cause that's the price of a cup of coffee.
Lucy was led to a her usual table.she needn't a reservation to be comfortable at Heaven's.the owner was her...acquaintance.Jayson followed behind.
A young lady saw jayson and met up with him. She was dressed formally and had cornrows. She was his P.A.
"Sir..." she called.
"Not now,Lina." She snapped back in whispers.
"It's urgent." Lina insisted. He heaved her away."later." He turned her direction away just in time.
"What?" Lucy asked.
"Nothing...just admiring, Bestie."
They settled for the last table. She ordered for chocolate pudding and french fries.
He ordered plain toast and mayonnaise jam with coffee. "You're quite...simple."
"I sure am, bestie. We can't eat and forget the days ahead, can we?" He said.
"Yes, yes we can, when we means being me." Replied lucy. She sipped from her glass of vodka she'd ordered and said;"so...bestie, tell me something about you."
"Really?" Jayson asked.
"Well if you won't get out of my life, you could as well tell me of yours."
"So now we're besties?" Asked jayson.
Lucy scoffed. "You wish, we're nothing close to acquaintances and friends don't exist.now tell me about you."
"Well..." He chuckled."I'm Jayson D..."
"D for determined, I know."
"Well you'll get to know the rest of me latee, it's my turn to get to know you."
"What about?" She asked.
"Everything...and fact; I ain't paying for all that stuff, did you see the price tag? I settled for toast and coffee and I'm in Hell's Best."
"Oh c'mon, you can't let a couple of dollars stop you, you're D-Deverson, D-for..."
"Have you seen my car? It'll cost me less to get a new one than pay for this."
"Whatever, it's on me, I can see you're poverty stricken."
"And I can see you're rich and rude." He said with a grin.
She'd never had someone tell that with no fear and doubt. He had guts. She thought he was rich, his physique said so, his player looked more valuable than that car he owned, his dressing always screamed wealth, even then.
Poverty stricken?
Or just overly modest...or greedy.


She got to know him. From his information, he was just a survivor in New York from Chicago. He said he worked as a sales agent in jantzen Furnitures. They rode back to the company and he then took off in his own car, promising to return some other time.

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