Chapter 54 • Enochian

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Brendon's pov

I parked the car outside of Ryan's place. I sat in the car for a moment and looked at the building that somewhere in there was my enemy waiting to strike.

This was going to be fun...

I snapped my fingers and teleported outside of the main door to get into his place. I unlocked the door and walked in. I kept my guard up as I walked carefully around the first floor. Looking around and keeping my eyes out for him. Knowing that he could strike at any point in time and bite me to it.

I dropped the keys on the coffee table in the living room. I eyed the basement door in the room across from me. The door was opened just a crack. As much as my brain was telling me. More so yelling at me that this was a trap I still pushed on. I opened the door and tried my best to quietly go down the steps. It was pitch black. But being in hell and being a demon or at least half one had its perks.

Once I reached the bottom of the steps I walked towards the cell. A lightbulb hanging from the ceiling illuminated the area just outside the cell and the cell it's self. Even being far away I could tell and feel that he wasn't in there anymore. I continued to walk towards it anyway. I stood outside the entry way to the cell. I was about to turn around when something hit the back of my head. The darkness overtook me.

My head was pounding as I came to again. I hung my head down still acting like I was out just in case he was in the room. I looked down..a devils trap...

Haven't seen one of those in centuries.. no one really used them at least not here..

"It's ancient Enochian.."

I slowly looked up at him as I rested my head against the metal that I was chained up to behind me.

"Your bound to the trap so have fun getting out." He looked at me and winked. He picked up a knife with some writing engraved in the sides of the blade. "So what are we going to do with you hmm.." he walked over to me and stood at the edge of the trap. He pointed the knife at me. I growled at him as he stepped closer. "Lets dance baby." He said just as he stabbed the knife into my shoulder. A shock rain through my body once the knife had cut into my skin. A burning sensation...

He kept the knife in and took a step back. I watched as his eyes scanned over my body. Trying to forget about the reaction that the knife was giving off. He smiled pleased at what he did. He walked back to the table that he got the balde from and looked down at various items. Some I knew what they were and some I didn't. I tried to move or do at least something but it was no use. The chains were a bust and so was the trap. The knife was my best bet. I closed my eyes, tried to concentrate to see if I could pull it out at least using some Angel mojo.

This is stupid this is stupid

I opened my eyes and I was still in that room with him. The knife still in my shoulder. "So what else did you do hmm..quit with the games and tight lip. What's the catch..?" I snapped at him already getting tired and fed up.

"Someone's using there brain've gotten better. You know me so well." He cooed the last bit as he walked towards me again. "Just the simple things... I put up another barrier around the house since you broke my last one. You remember that love..?" "Just peachy." I said through gritted teeth. With that he started to torture me again. I held back giving him the satisfaction that he knew he had hurt me, the best I could.

~ time skip featured by leaving some tea out between b and r ~

"Didn't we go over this baby not to answer me in that tone." Ryan said sternly as he once again splashed some holy water on me. It burned slightly and at this point it was enough. I gritted my teeth, why did I get myself into this situation and didn't kill him or use my powers. He smirked and stood at the edge of the trap waiting.

"No, I would never want to see you hurt babe. Especially if I was the one that hurt you." I added babe to try to at least make him pleased as much as I hated the idea there was only one way out. Even if I didn't like the way it would need to go to get out.

I would do it all for Josh.
I would get out.
I will see him again.

"Better." He said and half smiled. Before he turned around and walked back to the table with various torture items. He threw holy water at me again. "Sorry my hand slipped." He said innocently. I growled at him trying to hide the fact that I was in pain.

I stopped holding up my head and just looked down. That's when I noticed, the trap was painted. Some of the holy water had hit the floor and was on the trap. He walked back over to me. Thankfully he walked over the spot that the water had touched. He lifted my head up and my head banged against the metal behind me. That was going to leave a mark. I thought as I remembered about all the cuts and bruises that were on my body. He cupped my check, I moved my head the farthest away from him that I could. But he just moved it back to face him. Our eyes were locked.

"You dont think Im stupid right. I let you walk free. Your still mine." He said as he looked at me and licked his lips. He snapped his finger and we were in a different room now. A bedroom. I was about to snap at him when he stopped me. I turned away from him. "Don't get your panties in a twist." He said as he went and sat down on his bed.

I finally realized that I was just in my boxers.
"Come here, and lay with me." He cooed. As much as I hated to with every fiber of my being I went over to the bed and laid down. Just wanting this nightmare already to end. At least it wasn't to bad.. at least not yet.

I turned on my side, I know I was pushing my buttons with him and I enjoyed it. Even if it would end up with me back in that devils trap.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in close. I didn't put up a fight and just let it happen. After what felt like forever my eyes finally shut my body losing the battle to fight to stay awake. Just in case he pulled anything.

I dreamt about Josh and us having an apple pie life.

A/N - I've been looking back and think about not really till 50 chapters have I've really stuck with like a word count of 1,000 words. Which is kinda wack at least to me.

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