Chapter 59

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Mmampho's POV

He laughs. Is he making a mockery out of my heartbreak right now? He takes a picture of me and the flash hurts my eyes.

"Look at how ridiculous you look," he shows me the picture.

What is happening right now? He is even laughing at me.

"I love you Mmampho and I never stopped. All of those things I said about you are true but I still want to be with you and ignore all the flaws.

"I did not date Angela because she was rich and fitted my status, I really liked her at the time. I did not care about status, same as when I started dating you.

"I did not see you as a task. In case you don't know, when a man is in a relationship with a woman, he feels the obligation to take care of her, see right now? You have a job and you could pay for these drinks but I still want to pay for them. You are not just a task to me Mmampho, you mean the world to me.

"I am rich, I live in this town with all the rich people but being with you, reminded me where I came from. I could be myself with you, I did not have to act a certain way like rich people normally do, you accepted me for me. You taught me a normal lifestyle.

"I was happier with you and after all the pressure to act rich and with all those  people at work, when I came to you, I felt home. I have been alone in that house for years and with you and your kids there, it always felt like home. It felt like I belonged." He held both my hands in his and his lips curved into a smile.

"I love you Mmampho and you should not feel insecure. You are the right woman for me. I feel like we are perfect together. We understand each other just fine and come on, we make the cutest couple ever."

He stood up and leaned in and so did I, and with the round table being in the middle, our lips touched and we kissed. A rush of warmth spread through my body.

He stopped to say, "I'm so glad you said those words actually, now that you initiated it, I know that it will last. Yes I'd love to get back together with you Mmampho." He continued to kiss me. I stopped and moved to his side because the table was disturbing me.

"What about your girlfriend?" I say between the kiss, smiling like the happy woman that I am. We are still an inch apart and I can feel his breath on my face. I hope I did not ruin the moment.

"She's kissing me right now."

"Uh-uh, you know what I'm talking about." I kiss him again and he pulls away to say, "you want to know a secret?"

"Yea?" I head back to my side. This calls for a celebration. I call the waiter to order a bottle of champagne.

"I never had a girlfriend. You were the last person I was in a relationship with."

"What?" I open my mouth in shock, then I smile. I am so happy but yet confused.

"Yes, I lied. You know, like you lied that you did not love me?"

"But why and who was she?"

"Hm, this is going to make you laugh." Just like that, I am burning with curiosity. I need answers right now.

"Do you want the full story or just for me to te--."

"Full story sir."

Chris' POV

"So after my mom pissed me off on Christmas, I went to a bar." I was about to mention the part where Courtney was flirting with me but I don't want Mmampho having the wrong idea of who she is. I want them to get along just fine.

"So I met this woman, her name is Courtney. We got really drunk as we were advising each other on life and happiness. She taught me a few philosophies on happiness because I was feeling really blue that day."

"What did your mom say that pissed you off?" I was really hoping that she doesn't ask me that.

"She... uh... she asked me about you and I felt like I was back to square one with the healing process or getting over you." I answer her honestly.

"Okay, continue."

"So she said that she asked a friend to drive us to her apartment with my car because I was too drunk. I woke up next to her but she swore nothing happened. I would never do anything like that anyway. I saw your missed calls. Okay when you called again during the day, we had drank again and got drunk that I passed out on her sofa. She answered the phone but apparently you hung up as soon as she said something.

"So she has been like a friend during this hard time for me and when you asked if she was my girlfriend, I just froze and lied. I think you are rubbing off on me." I joked and she rolled her eyes. I got my Mmampho back and it just feels right.

"I'd like to meet this Courtney."

"You will, she's wonderful. I think you'll like her." I said.

"I love you so much Chris. With you I can be myself without being judged. You bring out the best in me and thank you for that."

"I love you too Mmampho and I'm happy to have you back."

I haven't kissed her in a very long time, it was great doing it. I missed her. I am so glad that she confessed her love for me and well, I am so ready to hear Courtney say "I told you so knight." Or maybe she will say 'dork' this time. There are just too many nicknames. What is important is that I got my woman back.

"When can you move in?" I think I asked a wrong question, judging from her furrowed eyebrows.

"I'm not moving in. I still want to feel like my own woman and I'd like it if we took it one step at a time. I can come over but I still love living in my house."

"That's totally okay with me." I said.

The night continued and we talked, laughed and had so much fun. It just felt balanced and great. I was so happy to have her back. They played a love song in the background and Mmampho started blushing at the words and so did I. She tucked in her lip in between her teeth, it is so sexy to watch. Gosh! I love this woman.

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