Chapter 15: Who's that.

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The rain started pouring almost an hour ago yet Sana and Dahyun were still stuck inside the convenient store. Waiting for the rain to finally stop pouring.

Although they could've just buy the umbrella that was on ten percent discount placed near the counter, the two still chose to stay inside rather than meet the harsh droplet of rains and cold wind outside.

The noodle and choco pies that Dahyun bought earlier were already consumed a couple of minutes ago and it was starting to get awkward for them to stay sitting without buying anything like they both own the place. And so, Dahyun quickly excused herself again to buy two cups of hot chocolates that would warm their stomachs up. The shiba could only thank Dahyun since the younger was always taking care of her even though she was the unnie here.

"Be careful in holding the cup, Sana unnie. It's still hot." The tofu carefully places down the drinks on their table.

Just as Dahyun was about to seat down, she notices that Sana was looking at her like she did something unexplainable in her whole life.

"Is there something on my face?" She nervously asks before using the glass wall beside her as an alternative mirror.

"You're still flawless, don't worry." Sana replies with a smile as she took the hot chocolate that Dahyun bought for her.

"Thank God." The tofu sighs in relief.

Together, they both sat in silence and decided to enjoy the cozy atmosphere inside the store where slow music was playing in the background.

"So... is everything better between you two?" Dahyun breaks the silence after sipping her drink that gave her a mustache-like outline on her upper lips.

"Fortunately, yes." Sana giggles seeing the face that Dahyun was having.

The shiba took a couple of tissues before wiping the trace pf chocolates on the younger's lips. "I'm actually surprised that she took an effort in getting my number from Mina so that she could ask if I was mad at her."

Dahyun slightly laughs after hearing such things that Tzuyu did just for Sana. She then looks outside where some cars were still running despite of the bad weather and threatening flood.

"To think of it," the tofu starts with a smile. "Tzuyu was taking an effort just for you." She looks at Sana who was peacefully blowing off the steam on her cup.

"She could've just let this day pass and act like there was nothing wrong happening once you meet again tomorrow. But instead, she didn't let an hour pass before finding a way to fix things between the both of you."

Sana places her drink down the table with a small smile on her face. "To be honest, I actually didn't expect that to happen."

"I think you shoould start expecting unexpected things when it comes to Tzuyu." Dahyun replies.

Sana's phone vibrates for the second time this day. Dahyun doesn't need to guess who it was since only one person could make her Sana unnie smile in instant.

The tofu sighs deeply. Everyone around her seems to be lucky by meeting their other half just before the month ends.

While she still haven't met the right person for her.

Or maybe, having someone for the rest of her life isn't destined for her.

Someone entered the room with heavy breathings and almost loud footsteps. It was no surprise that the newcomer immediately took the tofu's attention.

The stranger started to walk on the beverage section before taking a couple of bottled waters and energy drinks on her arms. She then placed all of them in the counter at once without breaking a sweat. If Dahyun were to count everything that the girl had placed, it would be no less than ten bottles.

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