Chapter Twenty Nine: In My Head

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𝐅𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝟭𝟮𝐭𝐡, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎

" Among twelve individuals were killed over the weekend at a bear attack that had taken place in Summerville park. Park rangers found no evidence that the bear remains in the area, and no other park visitors are known to be in the immediate vicinity of the incident location."

" You think it was him?"

I placed the tv on mute turning to see Sage leaning against the doorframe of my bedroom with sadness and concern written on her face. I could only imagine how my own face looked right now hearing the deaths that had occur last night.

" I don't know." I quietly admitted swallowing slowly." I don't want to think it was him."

" In three month Kai killed 5 people." Sage spoke walking into my room, arms crossed, and filled with concern." In two months Grayson killed seven, but in a week, Nikki and Shane killed fifteen meaning someone else could be involved besides Narissa."

There I was again trying to make excuses for the boy I loved, but this time, I felt a part of myself not wanting to be naive and to see the clues in front of me. I was hanging onto his promise. He promised he would get better and when someone made a promise, I hope that they would keep it. Sage sat on the bed next to me taking my hand into her own and rubbing it with her thumb.

I'm sorry."

" Don't be." I interrupted." He promised he would stop. Maybe i just have to hold onto his word."

" Actions are better than words."

I was afraid she would say that.

" If it is him Sage, what if I'm not enough?" I questioned feeling my eyes begin to water." What if I can't help him?"

She shook her head immediately," You can do it. When you become dedicated, you don't stop until the problem is fixed. Grayson will get better."

Grayson will get better. I held onto those words for dear life wanting to have it already and go back to the way things use to be. Our relationship felt like a tug of war now. I wanted him to open up to me and showed that he cared, but he would retreat and spend more time with the Cho's than with me. I had no problem in him wanting to hang out with friends, but it was when he cancelled our date night, did I start to feel second in his life.

" Come on, we're gonna be late." I said grabbing my bag from the floor and heading out of my house.

I missed the way we use to be. Snuggled on the couch watching movies and just talking about our day. Going on small little dates and playing twenty one questions till we were laughing so hard, we couldn't breathe. Now I felt like I was looking at the face of someone I had lost a long time ago. He didn't smile much around me anymore. He didn't say cute little nothings to me or hold me in his arms. Getting to school, I walked up the stairs with Sage seeing multiple groups in each corner gossiping madly. It was odd sight weaving around the groups in order to make it down the hallway.

" The police said when they found her and her friends in the woods."

" Her neck was broken."

" And her neck was just snapped?"

" Rumor has it, Amanda's neck snapped so bad it caused two holes in her neck from the bones."

In that very moment, I stopped walking turning to Sage seeing her face fell at the rumors too. Another student from our school had died from a vampire attack. I finally got to my locker opening it up and placing my jacket inside when a polaroid had fallen. I bent down about to throw it back inside when I noticed it was a picture Grayson and I wearing face mask and laughing at one another.

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