Chapter Seven: The Unspoken Truth

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𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟗𝐭𝐡, 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟗

" He asked you what ?!"

" To go on a date." I answered unable to hide my smile. Sage's mouth hung open surprised from the news speechless before she laughed.

" Violet Jane ! This is amazing ! When ? How ? Details !"

" Last night after I got home from the hospital. I talked to Mom and Renee on the phone when a knock came to the door. He was there and we talked before he asked me."

" I can't believe it. My best friend is going on a date with Grayson Dolan." She echoed pacing around the room." Getting almost hit by a car might be the best thing to ever happen to you."

I nodded my head," Ironic right."

" Wait ! Today is Saturday!"

" I know." I laughed, but she panicked looking at me like a mad man.

" Violet Jane Steele ! We need to get you ready ?!" She yelled flinging my closet door open.

I felt as though my heart was about to leap out of my chest. Saturday came faster then I had expected, and despite thinking I was ready, I was not. Sage stared at my closet, pulling out many clothes, thinking it would be helpful before shaking her head in frustration and throwing the clothes on the floor.

"Too Miami." She commented, throwing my Miami football jersey on the floor." I really need to take you to the mall again."

I laughed before standing right next to her." Just tell me it straight. I'm doomed."

" No. I refuse to say that. I'll find one soon." She argued before turning to me with a smile." Why don't you take a shower? I promise by the time you're out; I'll have the outfit of your dreams."

I laughed at her exaggeration before heading to my bathroom. In the small mirror, I looked at myself, seeing how nervous I was. I had never been on a date and didn't even know how to act during one. I rubbed my face before huffing know there was much work to be done. I stripped all my clothes off before turning the shower on and drenching away my stress and worry. I smiled slightly, feeling the lukewarm water lightly drench my skin.

I grabbed the shampoo next to me, lathering the top of my scalp before scrubbing away, not wanting a single hair to go unclean. I didn't understand what was going on with me. I was never nervous around Grayson, but today determined a lot of things. It minutes, I was shaving my legs, making sure every section was clear. Were dates ever this serious? It took maybe 30 or 45 minutes before I walked out in my robe, seeing Sage with a blow drier and brush in her hand.

" Magic is going to happen." She teased before pointing the brush at the chair in front of her and turning the blow drier on high.

I gulped sitting down, seeing her hands dance around my head, making it seem as if I had flawless hair. I laughed, watching Sage stick on her tongue to the side, focused on every little strand. It minutes she was done not allowing herself one break, before going to do my makeup. I watched her eyebrows arch in focus, staring at each brushstroke as if my life depended on it.

" And done." She sang, pulling the blanket off the mirror and showing me how I looked.

I gasped at the sight of me, seeing my brown hair perfectly straighten while my makeup looked noticeable yet straightforward in a flattering way. What really had caught my attention was the outfit Sage had picked up. She placed me in black dress with small white poka dots and dark denim jeans jacket finalized by black doc martins.

Bloodlust: Grayson Dolan Love Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن