Chapter Thirty Three: Fuck This Love

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𝐌𝐚𝐲 𝟖𝐭𝐡, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎

" Frightened by my own reflection. Desperate for a new connection. Pull you in but don't you get too close."

I lightly tapped my foot on the bench in front of me listening to Plastic Hearts, by Miley Cyrus and waiting for Ethan's Lacrosse practice to be over. Today, there was no cheer practice for me to by pass the time and both Sage and Landon had gotten detention meaning I was trapped in this stupid school.  I was going to take an Uber home, but Ethan was against it wanting nothing bad to happen to me, so here I was waiting for him while listening to music and drawling random objects in my notebook.

" An hour of my life I'll never get back." I heard and laughed looking up from my sketch to see Sage and Landon making their way up the bleachers.

" Is detention done?" I asked taking my airpod out.

She nodded her head," Yeah. I shouldn't of even got it. It's not my fault Landon and my lab got on fire."

" What is it with you and fire?" I questioned while Sage took a seat next to me glaring at Landon.

" Wasn't my fault. Landon was suppose to watch the bunsen burner." She said while Landon sat on my other side shaking his head.

" I took my eye off  of it for like a second."

" I took my eye off of it for a second." Sage mocked causing me to laugh at how childish they could be." Vi, Joey is so staring at you."

I frowned at her before she nudged my side and pointed her head to the field. I followed her gaze seeing while in the lacrosse huddle, Joey Lewis was in fact staring at me. Being caught, he looked startled and turned back to the team with reddish cheeks that I could clearly see despite him wearing a helmet.

" No surprise there. He's had a crush on you since you transferred here." Landon blurted out causing me to frown at him.

" What? Seriously?"

" Yeah, he was going to ask you out, but Dolan cut to the chase." He explained causing my heart to slightly drop at a small memory.

" You should talk to him." Sage suggested causing me to frown at her next.

" What?"

" You know, mingle, chat, flirt." She explained hinting at it with her eyebrows." Come on, Vi. Get back into the game that wants you to play."

I stuttered out," I don't know-"

" You took a big step this Monday by having a girls day with Sage." Landon pointed out." Maybe the next step is to open up to someone that isn't me, Sage, Ethan, or Evie."

" Oh, I like that." Sage agreed causing me to roll my eyes.

" Who are you guys? Bonnie and Clyde?" I questioned watching both of their cheeks turn red.

" Hey Tiny Human." Ethan called causing me to look up and see he was already changed out of his lacrosse uniform." Ready to go?"

" Yeah." I said grabbing my bag and heading down the bleachers with them.

" Ugh, I wish I could go home, but I have that stupid doctors appointment." Landon groaned causing Sage to laugh under her breath.

" Oh you poor thing. How dare you have to keep up with your health." Sage teased before nudging my side." Bye guys."

" Bye." I said seeing she entered her car while Landon went to his as well."So, how was practice?"

" Good. Just ready for this season to be over and head right into summer." He said and I nodded going to the passenger side and getting in." You know, Mom and Dad asked for you."

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