Chapter Thirty: Deadly Love

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𝐅𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝟏𝟒𝐭𝐡, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎

Valentine's day.

It's the day when lovers express their affection with greetings and gifts. The custom of trading valentines seems to have begun in Europe and the United States in the 18th century, but no one cared about that fact when given chocolates and hearts. Staring at the gym room around me, already couples were making out and being a couple. You would think I would feel different on this day having a boyfriend myself, but I was almost joining all the single ladies.

Grayson didn't come to school today meaning I had nothing to look forward to today except celebrate the holiday with Sage and Ethan. After school, all the sport teams were told to decorate the gym for the school dance and it wasn't looking bad so far. For one, they played good music like Say So remix blasting on the speakers having me bob my head to the beat. Peace signs littered the ceiling along with tacky stars and streamers. On any of the eating tables were 70's style table cloth and large centerpieces that represented flowers.

" Ugh valentines day." I heard and looked down from the stage seeing Sage climb up holding balloons." Who even made up this stupid holiday?"

" People who are happily in love."

" Jerks." She muttered trying to tie the balloon, but that only caused it to go flying in the air away from her." Whatever. Speaking of jerks, have you talked to yours?"

I shook my head stapling a peace sign to the stage curtain," No. I'm mad that he keeps lying to me so I've been ignoring his calls and text because honestly, I don't know what to say to him anymore. I give him help and he lies."

" See this is why I stay single."

" No, you're single because Landon and you don't have the balls to admit anything to each other." I pointed out watching her face turn pink.

" What?"

" Hey." I heard and turned to the stairs seeing Ethan come over finally finished with the disco ball.

" Hey E."

" Grayson told me this morning you neglected to answer him at all."

I nodded my head shrugging my shoulders," I read the text. None of them were urging for help or a meeting so I ignored it." I admitted." I don't know what to do anymore. He keeps lying and all I want to do is help. I don't even know where to start."

Sage shrugged her shoulders," We can start by staking the Cho's."

" I like that idea." I agreed only to watch Ethan shake his head.

" That's a dangerous idea."

" I like dangerous."

" Dangerous Woman, ladies and gentlemen." Sage added gesturing over to me.

Ethan rolled his eyes," If we killed Shane and Nikki we are only adding to Grayson believing them." He hinted moving his hands around." That we don't support him."

I huffed loudly nodding to Sage," He's right."

" Yeah, but Nikki and Shane are the ones that influence him to continue drinking." She argued bringing up the other side of the argument.

" Listen, I only want Grayson to come back to us." I admitted slapping my arms by my side fustrated." To be the man I met when I first moved here. This is all my fault."

Ethan shook his head," Violet, it's not your fault."

" I should of ran faster when Kai was distracted. If I did, I would of been safe and Kai would of never bit me resulting in Grayson never having to save me and reverse the venom."

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