Chapter Fifty Eight: I Never Stopped

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𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝟑𝟏𝐬𝐭, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎

The radio is set to an oldies station, windows cracked just enough to let a burst of cool summer air into the car as we wind our way down a lonely road, light growing as the morning sun gets higher and higher. I smiled leaning back against the leather seat feeling the relief leave my body at how things were turning out. Sage was back with us, Narissa was missing at the moment, everything just seemed to slowly be falling back into place.

Comfortable silence settles between us for a time, Grayson humming along to any song that he recognized and I think I could too. This morning, I was surprised to see him at my front door asking if it was okay if he drove me to school. He was lucky I was too lazy to actually want to drive myself. That and a small part of me had hope he would drive me. He chuckled, lifting my hand to press a gentle kiss to the center of my knuckles, lips lingering against the warm flesh.

" You ready for this?" He asked.

His voice is soft. I think I never knew someone could sound so quiet and contemplative.

" I'm always ready." I said, voice even but hinting and lilting with laughter.

I faced back to the open road noticing we were getting closer to school. Senior year. I didn't know what to expect this year. They said this was suppose to be the best time and most exciting. I was hoping for that. I was ready to dive back into being a normal teenager that got excited for the little things like prom and college acceptance. Hearing a car honk behind us, I turned to the side mirror seeing Landon and Sage in the Mazda Tribute while right behind them was Ethan and Aspen in the white jeep.

Together we all drove into the school parking lot seeing the rest of the seniors excited for the last year of high school with new cars, hairstyles, and perhaps even relationships. Grayson parked the car in one of the spots causing the others to park right next to us heading out of the car. I felt a hand on my back and smiled letting him put his arm protectively around my waist while we stood with our friends.

" Well, that was one hell of a summer." Landon said causing a round of laughs from us." Who knew having a price on your head would make life more dramatic."

I nodded my head," Death by Vampires or Nightlok creatures. Sometimes, I really, really miss Miami." I muttered causing Grayson to kiss the side of my head.

I smiled at the feeling missing it so much and how when he did so, I could smell his woody vanilla scented cologne.

" I didn't think you were the type to lose your sanity over a girl." Ethan muttered staring at the two of us.

I looked to Grayson expecting him to give Ethan the finger or deny it, but his cheeks had turned a shade of pink while he smiled down at me with a look I couldn't even describe.

" I didn't either."

" So what do you think this year will hold?" Sage asked fixing the strap of her bag onto her shoulder wondering." Mermaids? Trolls? Mad Titan looking for stones?"

I shook my head shrugging my shoulders," We have no idea what this year will hold with Narissa missing." I nervously said wondering what had even happened.

" Whatever it is, we can handle it." Grayson promised squeezing my hand.

" We can." I said

" So...this is high school." Aspen nervously mumbled shyly tapping her finger to the bottom of her bag strap.

Being the new girl at Avalon High was not something I bet she was looking forward to. I remember my first day and how I woke up an hour before my alarm had even gone off because of the wild things that floated in my head on what could happen.

" Don't be nervous. We got your back." Sage promised lightly bumping Aspen's shoulder with her own.

Landon snorted behind us," Oh she should be very worry with these two as her guides."

" Don't listen to him." I said smiling over to the nervous girl." We're going to make this year amazing for you."

The warning bell gone off loudly in the parking lot causing half the parking lot to groan not wanting to head inside, but most importantly, Aspen gasped loudly grabbing Sage and my own arm tightly in fear.

" What's that sound?!"

" That's the school bell." Sage slowly explained moving Aspen's hand from her arm." It goes off seven times a day. Good luck."

Ethan shook his head grabbing Aspen's hand and giving it a squeeze following Sage and Landon into the school along with other students ready to start off the day. Grayson started walking off too until I grabbed his arm looking to our friends first.

" Hey, we'll meet up with you guys." I said getting some nods and a nervous glance from him.

" Everything okay?"

" I don't need you holding me up Grayson." I started off with fiddling with my necklace out of nerves." I don't need you to be my universe. I don't need you to help me with anything. I can do it on my own."

I held his cheek in my hand smiling up at him.

"But I want you Gray. I want you in my life. I want you to to be apart of my universe. I've learned to stand on my own to feet without you, because of you. I want you standing right beside me. Because that's where you belong. With me."

I couldn't take my eyes off of him watching him trace my features, his thumb brushing across my cheek bone with a goofy look on his face.

" The problem is." He said slowly leaning forward." If I kiss you, I don't think I'd be able to stop."

" Don't ever stop."

Before I knew what was happening, I felt his soft lips against my own. It was like an explosion. Well, more like the aftermath, when everything is silent, my mind is stunned and heat floods my whole body. For a moment, I forget who I was, where I am, what I was doing moments before. All that matters is what's happening in that exact moment, and in this case the fact that we were dating once again.

" Hey, Romeo! Juliet!" Sage shouted in the distance causing us to break a part and turn to see at the top of the stairs, all our friends were waiting for us." Mind stopping your exchange of salvia so we're not late!"

I rolled my eyes playfully giving her the finger and seeing her bright smile when I done so. I turned back to him seeing he still had a wide smile when moving some hair from my face and staring at me.

" Unless I screw this up again, I'm going to marry you one day." He breathed out, his voice soft.

I chuckled," Well you better not screw this up." I said causing him to lean down and peck my lips." So how do you think we'll do this."

" Well, I really don't know, but I know one thing." He said smirking down at me." We'll have an evermore."

I couldn't help, but to giggle looking back at him ready for this new part of our lives. With interlocked fingers, we were ready to take on the world. Or in this case, Senior year.

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