Chapter Fifty Nine: Too Young To Grow Old

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𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐𝐭𝐡, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎

As the slightest bits of sunlight peered through the curtains, I growled shielding my eyes from the dim flickers of golden rays. I didn't know what time it was, but I wasn't ready to wake up yet and head to school already. All I wanted was to remain in bed sleeping and later still remain in bed, but this time watching tv. As my eyes become heavier, I heard footsteps shift downstairs and even a girlish laugh that was quickly hushed from multiple people.

Frowning, I sat up in bed hearing voices low enough to try and be discreet, but failed miserably. I threw the covers off of me worried someone had broken in since usually it was quiet in the house with Dad and Rebecca gone for work and Landon usually sleeping until the final moment his alarm had gone off. I opened my door a crack checking to see the empty hallway and quickly tipped toed over to Landon's room seeing his door was cracked ajar.

" Landon, did you hear-" I whispered only to see his bed was empty.

A mess of blankets and pillows, but empty. I frowned wondering if I was running late only to see the time was 8:15 AM, ten minutes before we would both wake up. To make matters even weirder, Dad and Rebecca's cars were still in the driveway when I peered out his window.

" Dad? Rebecca?" I called out normally walking back down the hall and hearing more rustling coming from the kitchen.

I frowned again for the third time today walking down the stairs and towards the kitchen.

" Dad? Are you okay?" I asked turning the corner only for Party Blowouts and confetti to pop in my face nearly giving me a heart attack.

" Happy birthday!" Everyone shouted.

Blinking once again, I smiled seeing Dad, Rebecca, Landon, Sage, Ethan, Aspen, and Grayson holding either party blowouts in their mouths or confetti pops in their hands.

" What is all of this?"

" Your birthday brunch, Tinker Bell." Ethan teased while Aspen pulled me into a big hug.

" Happy birthday!"

I hugged her back with a small laugh" You guys didn't have to do all of this." I said seeing Sage rolled her eyes.

" Oh please. It's your birthday." She said punching my arm lightly." Plus, it was Aspen's idea."

" It was!" Aspen cheered loudly in excitement.

" My little princess is growing up." Dad said walling over and giving me a fatherly hug I loved so much." I still remember like it was yesterday when you were born. All tiny and cute."

I smiled knowing he would say something like that and pulled away only to notice how glossy his eyes were.

" Dad, are you crying?"

" Yes." He admitted with a chuckle." You're making me feel old."

" Join the club." Rebecca muttered coming over with a cupcake that was lit with a candle." Make a wish, sweetie."

I smiled at her looking at the burning candle wondering what I could wish for and even if it would come true. I wish to have the most epic senior years. Smiling to myself, I blew out the candle hearing the round of cheers and even biting into the cupcake once Rebecca took the candle away.

" Have a good birthday." Dad said kissing the top of my head and even ruffled it." I love you."

" I love you too." I said breaking a piece of my cupcake and giving some to Sage.

" Don't be late to school." Rebecca reminded walking over with Dad to the front.

Landon shook his head handing her coffee cup," You're a party pooper, Mom."

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