Chapter Thirty Five: Dangerous Liasions

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𝐌𝐚𝐲 𝟗𝐭𝐡, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎

Today was the start to the new me. Today, I was going to start taking care of Violet Steele physically and mentally. She deserved the second chance. That's why this morning, I laced my sneakers and went on a morning jog, something I haven't done since I moved. Today was such a beautiful day to do so. It was warm with a light breeze and fresh smell of flowers filling the air.

" Her light is as loud as many ambulances. As it takes to save a saviour."

I felt a small smile on my face jogging down the boardwalk and seeing some people surfing or getting ice cream despite it being nine in the morning. I couldn't believe I haven't went on a jog for a while. With my airpods in and listening to Girl Almighty By One Direction, I felt happy and calm with the day ahead.

" Let's have another toast to the girl almighty. Let's pray we stay young, stay made out of lightning."

Turning on Sunshine street, I jogged down the sidewalk heading back home seeing some children were awake placing on their front lawn or some father's mowing the lawn. There was even an old couple with their Pomeranian reading the newspaper and drinking their coffee. I regret sitting in my room now sulking in my own sorrow. Avalon was actually quite beautiful in the morning and gave me much serotonin.

" The only, only believer. There's something happening here. I hope you feel what I'm feeling too."

Turning the last corner, I seen my house in the corner and smiled thrilled to take a nice cold shower next and call Sage to see what we could do today. I was thinking redoing my entire room to have no memories of Grayson or the life I had before. Getting to my front door, I unlocked the door pulling my airpods out once the music stopped.

" Hey Tiny Human."

" Ah!" I screamed bracing myself only to see Ethan laughing while leaning against the wall." Seriously! Heart attack!"

He rolled his eyes smirking at me," Did you seriously just go on a morning run alone?"

I shrugged my shoulders," Yeah. I can't stay in this funk forever so I'm staring with exercising and getting healthy to a sense again." I explained going into my fridge and finding some water." Why?"

" You do realize you have a 605 year old vampire coming after your ass right?" Ethan pointed out.

" I was in the public eye."

" What time do you want to go for a jog?" He asked causing me to shake my head knowing what his plan was.

" Ethan." I chuckled, but he only stared at me until I would give him my answer." 8:00 AM."

" God, that's early." Another voice behind me spoke causing me to choke on my water.

" What the fu..." I managed to get out turning to see Evie come into the kitchen from pantry." Are you all just in my house?"

" Oh yeah." Ethan laughed." I forgot to tell you. We're going to Colorado."

Drinking the last of my water, I frowned hearing him wrong," Excuse me?"

" Sage thinks her cousin from Colorado could help us get more information on whatever this Revival Curse is given that it's a curse and those are caused mostly by Witches." Evie explained, but I only shook my head giving a small laugh.

" I can't just get up and go to Colorado."

" Sure you can." Ethan said messing with my hair like I was a child." Cause we're not taking a plane or a train or a car."

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