Chapter Twenty One: There Will Be Blood

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𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝟑𝐫𝐝, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎

" Question, why are we doing this again?"

I had to ask the question when Sage had brought her 2006 Wii over to my house desperately wanting to play the 2010 Just Dance game. Following the moves on the tv, we danced to the song Jump by Kris Kross crisscrossing each other and watching the level points move up.

" Because we are stressed and I think when we are stressed we should dance sing it out."

I looked over at her like she was crazy." And this is your idle of it?"

" I didn't know how you would respond so I brought my old wii." She explained smiling so wide. 

I always liked when Sage's inner child came out once in a while. It brought up many memories from when we were kids. Sure, we didn't have Just Dance, but this reminded me of the times we would perform dances in front of our parents like we were rock stars.

" I like it." I admitted." Not thinking about my boyfriend and his weird new behavior. Just dancing like I'm seven again."

" And I'm not thinking about dream I had."

At that moment I frowned," Dream?"

Noticing she had slipped up, she groaned at herself before saying it all out loud." I had a dream me and you were running. We were scared out of our minds and you were covered in blood." She said stressed, but perfectly getting the moves right for the game.

" Like Carrie?"

She nodded her head vigorously," Yes, like Carrie. I had to get you out of there, but we weren't fast enough. When I opened the school doors, I woke up so I don't even know what we were running from."

" I told you to stop eating chocolate before bed."

She rolled her eyes laughing," I know. I know." She repeated while we got bonus's for getting the moves at the perfect timing." I also had a dream I got a 98 on the english test. That is all high in the sky."

" Don't doubt yourself." I encouraged, but she laughed madly shaking her head.

" I doubt myself given how much I hated Romeo and Juliet." She explained while we finished the rest of the game. By the end of the game, Sage had 6589 points while I had 6390 causing her to cheer." Okay, I win. Time for school."

" I let you win." I said grabbing my bag and following her out of the house.

" Oh sure, you did." She shouted back at me, skipping over to her car and blowing me a kiss.

I couldn't believe we were already heading back to school because the holiday's were over. It didn't even make any sense for us to go in today since it was a Friday, but the school just loved to torture us. At least there was no cheer practice which means my time with Paris had been cut down and I didn't have to hear her comments much today. 

People like me considered that to be a blessing. Getting out of Sage's car, I noticed the weather was a bit better today being fifty two degrees and barely any wind. No doubt for P.E today, coach was going to make us go outside and run around the fields. Grabbing my bag, I placed it around my shoulder walking inside to see Ethan and Grayson by our lockers talking.

" Hey pretty boys."

Grayson turned with a bright smile," Hey, I was about to call and ask where you were."

" Sage wanted to play Just Dance this morning, so we didn't come early."

" Really?" Ethan laughed oddly looking at Sage.

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