Chapter Fifty Two: If Tomorrow Never Comes

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𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝟐𝐧𝐝, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎

People die.

People die every week, every day, every hour, every minute. 92.5% die from natural causes, 12% die from heart diseases, 10% from strokes. Cancer kills almost 25% and road accidents another 40%. I knew how odds worked in the world we lived in.

I didn't know the odds of a vampire living from a wolf bite.

The tears flowed down my cheeks, but I remained focus on what was in front of me when racing through the woods. Grayson's life was on the line. He saved my life only to risk his own and it scared me not knowing the outcome to what was going to happen. I moved the last bush from my face seeing the Dolan's garden and turned when Sage came by my side holding the bush open along with Aspen while Ethan, Evie, and Landon ran by holding Grayson. His face was pale white and I couldn't stop the audible gasp that left my mouth. Letting the bush go, I ran after them all watching Evie throw open the back door already throwing orders everyone's way.

" Get him upstairs fast!"

In seconds, Landon and Ethan bolted up the stairs with Grayson while Sage and Aspen split after Evie to get something. I didn't know where to go with my head spinning until I decided collectively to go follow the boys. The only door in the house to be open was Grayson's room and I dashed in seeing he was laying in bed covered in sweat while clutching the sheets in pain.

" Oh god." I whispered sick to my stomach that this was even happening.

" I got the medications!" Evie yelled setting it on the counter while pointing to the bathroom." Ethan, get a cold rag!"

" Ah!" Grayson cried out.

I couldn't stand around any longer and be no help. Moving my stiff feet forward, I sat next to his bedside and grabbed his hand feeling how his still was burning a fever.

" Grayson, I know it hurts, but you need to calm down." I begged, but he still moved around in pain.

" It's bones!"

" What can we do?!" I shouted turning to the others in a desperate need." How can we help him?"

" Make him stay still!" She instructed getting an IV set up.

I nodded my head holding down his arm along with Landon and Ethan, but even with the three of us, he was still thrashing around enough for Evie to not be able to place the IV in.

" Grayson stop!" Ethan screamed.

" Look at me." I spoke placing my hand on Grayson's face to look at me seeing how scared and in pain he was." Just me, please. Focus on me and we can take care of you."

" Violet!"

" I know it hurts." I cried hearing my voice break." I know it does, but I need you to fight it so we can help you. Please. Let us help you."

He nodded his head biting down the pain enough for Evie to safely place the IV into his arm.

" Got the IV in." She said hanging a bag.

Grayson whimpered breathing hard, trying to catch his breath. and I looked up at him shivering harshly despite feeling like a million degrees.

" What is that?" Aspen asked and I looked up seeing Evie place a needle into his IV tube.

" Morphine." Evie answer placing the large syringe down." I'm going to have to overdose him in order for it to work."

Slowly Grayson's eyes started to droop before closing all together and calming down without being in pain.

Bloodlust: Grayson Dolan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now