Chapter Sixty Two: What's The 411?

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𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟏𝐬𝐭, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎

I was half asleep in bed when I heard a noise come from downstairs. It wasn't much to alarm me. Houses made weird noises all the time. Especially this house always making a noise while settling or from the ocean wind. Regardless of my easiness over the situation, I still opened my eyes and listened for a few moments. When I didn't hear anything else, I settled myself in bed again and closed my eyes, but of course my brain needed things. I could really use a cold glass of water being so thirsty, but then again my bed was so comfortable, I didn't even feel like getting up.

Groaning, I moved the covers having my thirst get the best of me. I pulled down my shorts and fixed my oversize shirt before opening my door and heading downstairs hearing how quiet it was. Dad was working another night shift and Rebecca was still at the hospital leaving only Landon and I home. Maybe Sage, but she didn't tell me she was staying over. I reached the kitchen grabbing a glass cup from the cabinet and placed it under the refrigerator hearing the ice come out.

God, it's so loud. Hopefully I didn't wake up Landon.

When the ice reached close to the top, I pressed the water button only for a hiss to surround me. I froze where I stood looking around my house to see it was still only me. The hiss came again with even a vase in the living room breaking. Clearly I wasn't as alone as I thought. I reached over beside the back door and brought out my Dad's baseball bat that he kept there in case a situation such as this one arose. At least I was that much prepared.

My anxiety was through the roof not knowing what was going on in this house and the thought of how I could get to Landon. I finally gathered up enough courage to slowly and quietly walk out of the kitchen being as cautious as I could be so no one would hear me. I peaked around the corner and didn't see anything so I crept in. It was mostly dark except for the little bit of light the moon managed to cast seeing the vase that had broken was everywhere. I was about to round the counter where the stairs was when a shadowy figure stood from behind it. I screamed in fear, which caused the figure to jump and yell as they threw their hands up.

"Woah, hey! It's me! Don't hit me!" Landon warned quickly.

" Shit! Landon!" I groaned lowering the bat while he flicked the living room light." You scared the hell out of me."

" I'm sorry. I didn't think I had to announce I was around at three o'clock in the morning." He sleepily said walking over to the kitchen and stealing my premade water for himself.

" Did you have to make creepy sounds too?"

" Creepy sounds?" He asked." I just walked down here."

I opened my mouth to argue when the hissing sound started once again around us. Like before, we both froze this time together wondering what the hell was in our house. He abandoned his spot in the kitchen coming by my side.

" Go upstairs and lock the door."

I shook my head holding up the bat again," I'm not leaving you." I said not leaving much room for an argument.

I gripped the bat in my hand following Landon towards the living room once again when a cold, steel grip came around my neck breaking the cabinets and plates behind me. I yelped daring my eyes open to see a man with a malevolent smile on his face.

" Well hello Violet Steele."

" Violet!" Landon screamed lunging at the man tackling him away from me.

I crashed to the ground clutching my neck in one hand and grabbing the baseball bat in the other one to help Landon only to see the intruder was gone. For how long, I couldn't know.

Bloodlust: Grayson Dolan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now