93: An Unknown Woman Kissed Him

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Kakashi: Mai Mai.

She turned around " huh ? "

" Aaaahh !! " She screams as she felt him bite real hard into the arch of her neck. So hard it bled. He finally releases her " ok. "

Mai : what's that for ?!!

He smirked unmasked " other than short hair, this means you're my Mai." She pulls her hair apart and looks at the big mark " why is it so big !! It's going to be so obvious !! "

Kakashi: exactly. Then I'll immediately know it's you.

She stomps her feet " kakashi !! "

Kakashi: not that. You call me something else.

" hmph !!" She starts looking into her pouch for a gauze to put it over. He held onto her wrist " what's the point if you're going to cover it ."

Mai : it's bleeding !!

He leans forward and places his mouth onto the place he bites. He starts sucking up her blood. She blushed " iitai iitai iitai ... "
( Pain pain pain )

He then changes to slowly sucking that part of the bite. He lets go " there. Don't cover it."

Mai : hmph ! *Puffs up cheek* why are you here ? Commander ! You should be busy.

Kakashi: humans have to rest. I took that time to come find you. Pakkun said you were nearby.

Mai: um. The Edo tensei. It's released.

Kakashi: that had to do with you ?

Mai: a little bit. Itachi released it. The demon said only he and sasuke had to do it.

" I see... That why you slipped off." He slips his hands around her neck , cups her head with his hand and pushed her in for a hug " Mai Mai. Itachi didn't do anything to you before he left. Did he ? "

Mai ; eh ?

Kakashi: he helped you get your eyes back. I think... He liked you, loved you even. I never really took notice of it then.

Mai : no. He didn't.

I can't tell him the truth. Not the things we did. Even it's only twice. It's enough to call me a cheater.

Kakashi: I see. Maybe I think too much.

Mai: anata... I love you.

Kakashi: Mai Mai... Me too.

Gai : Mai.

Mai : gai ?

Gai : so I saw the clone, Mairi.

Mai : oh. Yea, she doesn't have my eyes though. We're different !

Gai ; she cut her hair. It's was still kind of weird to see someone like you, but short hair and ...two eyes.

Mai : I've always had two eyes !!

Gai: but unlike kakashi, you always your hide other one.

Mai : I have two eyes !!

Gai : ok ! Ok ! You have two eyes.

Mai ; how is she ? Mairi.

Gai : different from you. I guess she just looks like you. The personality is totally different from you.

Mai: she didn't have dead parents. Of course we're different.

Gai : Mai...

Mai: I'm not sad.

Sai walked in " Mai senpai. Kakashi senpai got too exhausted and is now resting in the tent. I thought maybe you would like to know. "

Mai : I got it. I'll go see him later.

Mai met sakura outside the tent " yo !"

Sakura : Mai sensei. Came to see kakashi sensei ?

Mai nods " um. That Baka. He doesn't take care of himself, now others have to. "

Sakura : he's a commander. He can't help it I guess.

Mai notices a woman enter tent as she sees past sakura.

Sakura : Mai sensei. Mai sensei !

Mai : huh ?

Sakura: daijobu ?

Mai : hai. What were you talking about ?

Sakura : that kakashi sensei is usually careful . He doesn't really pass out, so give him a break ?

Mai : okie... I'll go see him then.

Sakura : um. Oh ! Mai sensei.

Mai : hai ? *Turns around *

Sakura: Mairi. Your clone ? She's got eyes now. She seemed pretty cooperative after we got her new eyes

Mai : so I've heard. Maybe you just refer her as Mairi. Not my clone. Make me feel she's replaceable. It's kind of mean...

Sakura : you're right ... Gomenasai.

Mai smiled " no need. It's not like they wanted to be here. I'll go now "

Sakura : see you !
Mai pulls up the tent a little and walks in. But that's when she saw a woman kissing her husband, kakashi.

The woman was shocked to see Mai walked in at this time. She backed away from him immediately.

Mai : who are you... ?

The woman starts to walk towards her in attempt to leave . Mai grabs onto her wrist and turns her head to look at this stranger " who are you ? What is your name ? "

The woman struggled Mai's grip off her and walks out of the tent. Mai stood there a bit stunned.

She... Kissed anata.

She... Is she... ?

She chased out but the woman has already walked far.
He woke up and sees her sitting beside him " Mai Mai."

Mai : hey.

Kakashi: waited for me to wake up ?

Mai: um. Nowhere else to go.

Kakashi: is everything outside ok ?

Mai : um. Gai is handling it.

Kakashi: that's good.

Mai : a woman came in earlier. She kissed you on the lips. I don't know who is she.

Kakashi: what ?!

Mai : off the mask too. Just thought... You wanted to know.

Kakashi: Mai Mai !

She stood up from the foldable chair " I'll go get you some water." And she leaves the tent.

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