60: Caught, Henji Birai

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They reached the house they were looking for and stood a distance from its door.

Neji ; this is guy's house. The target.

Tsubaki: His name is Henji Birai.

Naruto ; so we just... Go in like that ?

Neji ; of course not. We need a plan.

Rona : first !! I brought enough wireless earpieces this time !!


* Knock knock knock*

The door opens " oh. How can I help you ? "

Rona: I'm Rona Ideki. Is it possible for you to let me in ?

Sakura: we have something to talk to you about. I'm Haruno Sakura . We've met.

Birai: of course. Come in.

The two of them enters the house.

Rona: you have a nice place~~

Birai : arigatou. Having such praise from her student...

Sakura : you know Mai sensei ?

Birai ; I know her mother and father. So I guess you could say I make it my business to know things about her.

Sakura ; you were close to them ? Mai sensei's parents.

Birai : very close. We were in the same team. I was... More close to her mother than her father though. But... The three of us still made a good team.

Rona ; I see.

Sakura: you sure you didn't just think that on your own ?

Birai : Ideki huh... He's an anbu now if I didn't remember wrongly. He married young too...

Rona : um um. How did you know ?

Birai : I keep tabs about some stuff.

Sakura: eh ... You sound like you keep tabs about a lot of stuff.

Birai ; why are you guys really here ? You've brought a few friends I see. Do you want to ask your friend on the roof to come down for a cup of tea ?

( Sakura )

Tsk. He knows about naruto who's on top. What should we do ? Act now ?

Neji was watching from outside using his byakugan " Naruto. Stay in position. "

Sakura ; it's ok. He can just stay up there while we have a nice cup of team.

Birai: I've heard. Mai is fine now.

Rona clenches her fist , while maintaining her smile " hai. Sensei is."

Birai : she's even left for a mission already.

Sakura: we came here for a different reason.

Birai ; tsunade-sama asked all of you here ?

Rona: you know what it's about? ~

Birai : she has always disliked me. So I knew she would get someone to come pick me up... Just not ...

Neji : now !!

" Brats ." He dodges as Naruto comes crashing through the ceiling with a rasengan. Sakura charges towards him with her charged up punch. He dodges to the left just by close shave. Her punch breaks a hole in the wall. She takes her fist out and attempts to tries again but he flees out the window.

He continues in that direction straight for 20m.

Neji : Reaching in 10m.

Rona : don't worry. This perimeter... He won't step out of it.

Birai stops in his steps seeing a wall of paper bombs sewn as a wall to the trees connected as a wall. " Some trap. Not wanting me to leave ? Not so easy." He starts running up the tree " kid's play. "

Neji ; of course, we knew you would do that too... Rona !

*Explodes !! * The paper bombs triggers causing the tree break and him who was nearby to get caught off guard. He starts falling downwards.

" Halved Falling Petal " Tsubaki unsheathes and sheathes in one moment. The slice flies upwards, like slicing a petal into half.

Birai lands on the ground " damn... Not some brats she sent. Want me to die ? "

" Gomen. We can't have that. " Neji shows his face " that's why sakura is here. "

Sakura : you're coming with us.

Birai ; a Hyuuga. And I thought how did the bomb activate when I didn't even trigger it ? Rona is back in that house, she couldn't have known. You saw all my movements and told her.

Tsubaki: you know all of our abilities ?

Birai : just her students really.

Naruto ; are you a stalker ?


Birai: you must be angry.

Tsunade : no shit !!! You're already fired because of a similar act you did to several ninjas. I was just nice calling you a retired ninja !!! Couldn't you just stay quiet ?!!!

Birai: Mai was needed. I was just making sure she lived up to her uses. Especially as an Uchiha Hyuuga.

Tsunade stormed forward angrily " you !! "

Birai ; it's not like she died.

Tsunade grabs onto his collar and stared into his eyes with much anger that you could tell she had every intention to kill him.

Shizune : tsunade-sama !!

Tsunade ; she could have !!

Birai ; she's strong. She won't die that easily. If you're going to kill me, do it.

" You... Shameless !!! " She raises her fist.

" Tsunade-sama !! " Rona shouts. Tsunade stops and looks up " why are you here ? "

Rona : .... Sensei made sure I stopped you if something like that happened.

Tsunade : Mai did ?

Shizune : you ?

Rona : she said she knew Tsubaki and Netsu might be too angry for her and ignore what she wanted and wouldn't care if the culprit died.

Tsunade: she wants me to forgive him ?!!

Rona : no. Just don't kill him. That's all.

Shizune: she knew he was the culprit even when she was in bed the whole time ?

Birai laughed " that's my girl. "

Tsunade: she's not your girl. Never is. Maa... Mai has a lot of connections to the anbu. Especially the squad she used to have. It would have been easy to ask a favour.

Birai : at first I was kind of angry I didn't succeed in getting her to abort. But then... After I found out that she birth a special daughter... I realised that it was the right decision. That's why... This time... A premature birth is the perfect solution.

" You sick bastard !!! " Tsunade couldn't hold back anymore and punches him across the face. It sends him flying to the wall, and crashing through it to the next room. Shizune goes to take a look.

Tsunade: I'm sure he hasn't died.

Shizune: no. He's just... Disfigured. You broke his face. That's all. He'll live.

Tsunade: bandage his face and kick him out. He's never allowed back into konoha. Also !!! Watch him pack everything !! Don't give him even one reason to come back. Ever . Again.

Shizune ; hai.

Rona: I didn't know he was such a crazy obsessed stalker. Creepy.

Tsunade: Mai's mother, Renei had many suitors. That creep is one of them. Overtime, he just became a creep.

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