33: Team 11 helps Team 7

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They were confronted with zabuza and haku.

Zabuza quickly starts the fight with kakashi while haku starts the fight with Naruto and sasuke.

Tsubaki: sensei. Shouldn't we help ?

Mai looks to the other side of the bridge, the bunch of mercenary ninjas and the man who pays them.

Mai: can't let some Baka interfere.

Tsubaki: sensei ?

Mai body flickers to in the middle of them and kakashi's team. " Tsubaki."

Tsubaki body flickers to her side " hai ? Sensei. "

Mai; draw a line here.

" Hai. " Tsubaki pulls out her katana and draws a line across the bridge .

Mai: take 10 steps backwards.

Tsubaki : hai.

Mai; listen up. If any of them tries to go pass this line. Netsu, Rona. Shoot. Tsubaki, slice. Understood ?

" Hai." The three of them replies.

She then body flickers to sakura's side " ooi. Daijobu ? Looks like she's fine." She carries sakura to aside " sit here and wait. "

Just then the man who pays the mercenary ninjas orders them " go !!! They're just kids !! "

Rona shoots a rain of bullets out of her umbrella to anyone who even goes close the line. The mercenary ninjas step backwards. But there are still some who takes the chance and manages to sneaks pass the bullets.

" Not letting you. " Tsubaki draws her blade and slices two ninjas at once. There was one that manages to go pass her and aims for her at the back.

Netsu makes a square with his two fingers and aims,  a light arrow goes through his body and kills him .

Mai ; not nice to mess with my little devils. I made sure they were capable of killing before I let them out.

Netsu: can you not ? Sensei.

Rona : I think it sounds cute.

Tsubaki : hai. I don't mind being sensei's little devil.

" They're all just kids !!! Kill them !! All of them !! " He orders.

Mai: ah... Not good. Sasuke needs help. And Naruto...

Kyuubi chakra.

Mai : but there's these assholes... Too... No choice then. I'll use that

The mercenary ninjas charge towards her students.

Tsubaki: sensei.

Netsu : sensei !!!

Rona: sensei do something!!

She opens her sharingan and looks towards the direction of the mercenary ninja. A blue fire spreads around her students in a circle and it causes the mercenary ninjas to retreat back in an instance.

At the same time, she opens up her hand and makes a blue fire ball . She shoots it through the ice glass as it melts it all away .

Naruto ; wait !!

The fire ball stops in motion right before it hits haku.

Some of the mercenary ninjas catch on blue fire and it starts burning their entire bodies. They scream.

Mai carries sasuke on her back aside " why wait ?"

Naruto ; I think I know... Him.

Mai makes the blue fireball disappear " that was going to take away all his water. Lucky him huh ?"

" She's... She's not a kid !!! Blue fire !!! Silver hair!! I know her !! "

Mai rolled her eyes.

" She's the blue fire ninja !! "

Mai: must be painful. Just burning continuously in pain and just not dying. Burning internally. Should I turn up the heat ? Evaporate all the water. Or do you want a really black corpse ?

They were now all scared.

Mai: you guys. Daijobu ?

Tsubaki: hai.

Netsu: daijobu desu.

Rona: you gave me a scare !! Sensei !!

Kakashi and zabuza also ended their fight. Zabuza had lost. He was almost on the verge of death.

But the man who recruited him was angry " you useless !!! I hired you to do a job !! Kill him !! " A kunai came flying towards zabuza. He couldn't move anymore.

Haku comes over and takes the kunai. The exhausted and injured haku took a fatal hit and collapses to the floor.

" haku !! You bastards !!!" Zabuza uses his last breath on a rampage to kill of the mercenary ninjas.


Tsubaki : sensei... Blood... On your legs...

Rona: did you get hurt ?!! But you barely fought!!

She looks down to see a stream of blood flowing down her thigh " shit..." And she loses consciousness collapsing on the floor.

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