88: Again, Another Her

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Kabuto ; well... Luckily I made this. I knew I wasn't wrong to prepare this.


Dark blue flames set the forests ablaze. But not only the forests, the ninjas too. The flames spreads fast causing the forests to collapse as they burn down quickly , and so does the shinobis as they try to evade the flames.


Shikamaru: gomenasai.

" The Naras always had a history having smart people in them." The Edo tensei said as he was being sealed up.

Ino : really ?

Shikamaru: hahaha... Is that so ?

Ino : don't get smug !! He's my ancestor not yours !!

Shikamaru: hai hai.

Choji: but to think we caught him . What a coincidence neh.

" Ah... I'm not sure if this is important... But I think I should tell you guys... "


They surrounded her. She smirked " don't think so." And she poofs disappearing.


Aino pops up from the ground " hey !!"

Mai : aino. Found him ?

Aino ; um ! Was a bit hard. But we found him !!

Mai : I got it. Do me another favour. Find Itachi.

Aino : I got it ! You have a lot of orders today . At least give us some reward.

Mai : it's just one. Don't complain.

Aino : what one !! You think it's easy for us to dig tunnels just cos you want one ?!

Mai: I didn't ask you to dig one. You have to dig to get around isn't it ?

Aino : not those kinds !! Wait... How did you get hear so quick ? I didn't know you teleported.

Mai : what are you talking about?

Aino : hmm... Or maybe you just used your sharingan. Oh well. I'm leaving !

Mai ; hey !!

He pops back down into the ground

Just then she looks around with her byakugan " ara. What have I done ? To be surrounded by an entire company. Since when was I, that dangerous ? "

They revealed themselves. Gai stepped out " Mai. You are Mai right ?"

Mai : gai. Of course. What's going on ?

Gai clenches his fist " then I can't believe it !!! I can't believe she did all that !! The Mai I know would never hurt people on her side intentionally !!"

Mai ; what ?

Kakashi steps out " Mai. Those dark blue fires at the south forest. You set them off right ? "

Mai : south forest ?

Kakashi: hundreds were injured.

Mai : what ?! No !! I didn't set any dark blue flames.

Kakashi: many saw you.

Mai: you can't confirm it's me. You know about the imposter !!

Kakashi: her body exploded to bits and she doesn't have a sharingan.

Mai: what...

That's not possible...

Is it possible ?

Mai : I didn't do it !!

Kakashi: maybe you don't know you did it.

Mai : I am in control !! I don't have blackouts !!

Gai ; just let us take you in. If it's not you, it will show.

Mai : this imposter can use my kuchiyoses !

She can know what's going on. She can hide and push the blame to me. I have to get out of this situation. Get out now. Or I'll really be a pawn.

Gai : we'll think of something. Come on.

" Tsk. Last card. " She pulls off her bandage eye patch and shows her byakugan.

Murmurs start to fly across the company. Her shocking secret that few know has been let out.

Sai : that was a byakugan ? What a suprise.

Rona ; eh ?!!! It's not empty ?!!

Netsu : tsk. Even to hide it from us.

Tsubaki: sensei must have her reasons.

Mai: do you believe me now ?

Just then a dark blue flame tentacle pops up from the ground below and behind her, and it wraps itself around Mai reaching for her byakugan. It covers her eye and burns.

She screams as blood flows down her eye. The dark blue flame receded and she collapses to the ground on her knees and held onto her left eye.

Kakashi runs towards her " Mai Mai. Was that... ?!! " She nods " it's too late. She's gone. I saw her. With my byakugan. Before she got me. She's got a hostage that's why I let her get me."

Kakashi: so she's like another Maiko ?

Mai : um. I'm sure of it. Damn... How did she even get a sharingan ? That's not possible !!! Is it ?

Kakashi: just get treated first.

Mai : heh ... Now I know how it feels to get hurt by my own flames.

Kakashi: don't talk so much. Sakura !!

Uchiha Hyuuga MaiМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя