56: Dangerous Birth

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Sakura: everything seems fine. So you don't have to worry. Mai sensei. Mai sensei.

Mai : huh?

Sakura: daijobu? You seem dazed.

Mai : hai... I was just thinking of something on my mind.

Sakura: well. Don't worry about it. Your baby is going to turn out just fine.

Mai smiled " um! " Then she caught eye of shizune walking pass the room. She stands up and runs after shizune " shizune-san ! "

Sakura: Mai sensei! Sighs. You've got to be more careful.

Shizune turns around " Mai. "

Mai : I've got something to ask you about

Shizune: sure. What is it about ?

Shizune: what do you want to ask about ?

Mai : Hikari clan.

Shizune ; I see. I see what this is about. Well...
Mai : I see.

Shizune: I'm not supposed to tell you because tsunade-sama was afraid you would try join and do things your own.

Mai: I understand. I will... Rest ... At home.

Shizune smiles and taps on her shoulder " don't worry about it ok ? "

Mai : hai.

Shizune: sakura !

Sakura runs over " hai ? "

Shizune : could you send Mai home for me ?

Sakura ; hai. No problem.

Mai : it's ok. I can go home myself. I'm not handicapped.

Shizune: no. Sakura. Make sure you watch her reach home. She tends to be dazed when she's thinking of something. She doesn't pay attention.

Mai: shizune-san !!

Shizune: tsunade-sama treats you like one of her family because she helped delivered you. She told me to make sure you're fine until delivery.

Mai sighs " tsunade-sama..."

Shizune: I'm leaving now then.

Sakura: shall we go then ?

Mai : um...

She walks home with sakura on her side and on the way she almost knocks into someone. Sakura pulls onto her arm " Mai sensei !! "

Mai :huh ? Ah !! Gomen !!

" No... I should be the one saying that. Gomenasai. Ah !! You're that lady. "

Mai : huh ?

" That lady at the supermarket 2 days ago. I suggested to help you take your groceries home."

Mai : oh...

" What a coincidence. Meeting you here."

Mai ; hai...

" I live around here. I was going to work. On my way. "

Mai : I see.

" I know. To show my apology, why don't I treat you some dangos? " He looked to the sweets shop just right in front of them " please take it. I would feel really guilty if you don't at least let me treat you to dangos. "

Mai sweatdrops " ok... Gomen. Sakura. Looks like it will take a little detour."

Sakura : it's ok. I can wait.
" So what's your name ? I'm Enei. "

Mai : I'm Mai. She's sakura.

Sakura waves " hi. "

Enei ; how's the baby going ?

Mai : fine. Healthy.

Enei : but you seem dazed as you walked over. I almost hit you. Is something on your mind ?

Mai : maa... I'm worried for someone. But I'm pregnant, so I'm not allowed to go anywhere.

Sakura : please just be patient, Mai sensei.

Enei : if only the baby would grow up faster so you could deliver it earlier neh ?

Mai laughs " like that's possible. "

Sakura: it's not possible. So please just be a good girl and not run places.

Mai sweatdrops " why am I getting nagging from you too ? "

Enei ; the dangos are taking a little long. I'll go check on them.

Mai : hai.

In the middle of the night, she starts  feeling pain from her lower abdomen " shit... What's happening... " She summons aino.

Aino : mai !! Daijobu.

She squeezes the sheets in her hand " find... Find... Tsubaki !! Aaahhh !!! "

Tsubaki carries Mai in her arms and manages to reach the hospital in time " sakura !! "

Sakura ; what's going on ?!!

Mai ; aaaahhh !!!!

Sakura : gurney !!

A gurney pushed over and Tsubaki places Mai on the bed. Mai grabs on tsubaki's arm and pants but quickly loses consciousness releasing her grip.

Tsubaki: sensei !!!

" No time !! Got to go now !! " And sakura pushes the gurney to the operation room.

Kakashi arrives at the hospital waiting outside the operation room " Tsubaki. How is she ? "

Tsubaki: don't know. She's inside. It's been an hour.

Kakashi: I see...

Tsubaki: how come you can come back so fast ? Sensei said you were on a mission.

Kakashi: just finished. And then I received news from tsunade-sama. So I rushed back before the others.

Tsubaki: she will be ok. I think... Sensei has always been able to get out of sticky situations.

Kakashi puts his hand on her shoulder to reassure her " arigatou. For sending her to the hospital when I'm not here. " Tsubaki shakes her head "she's my sensei... "

" Waaaah !!! " A sharp cry came from inside the operation room. The doors open from the inside, sakura carries his newborn in her arms. " Omedeto. Its a girl. "

Kakashi carries the baby over " a girl..." He smiled , overcome with joy " how about Mai ? "

Sakura ; Mai sensei...

The joy seemed to only last for but one second having seeing sakura's bad news face.

Sakura: she's in bad shape. The baby girl wasn't supposed to be delivered this early. The baby girl is considered a premature birth. Mai sensei... Almost... Died.

Kakashi: but she's ok now ?

Sakura ; hai.

He closed his eyes to recollect his emotions. He relieves a breath " arigatou. Kami-sama."
( Thank you god )

Sakura: I'll go back and help finish up.

Kakashi: Arigatou. Sakura.

Sakura : no. Tsunade-sama was in charge of the operation.

Kakashi: I see.

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