Epilogue: Another Destiny

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One year later...

I grab our drinks and thank the person at the counter and go over to Pyrrha who was busy signing autographs at the table. I chuckle at the sight of it and just walk over and put the drinks down.

The people looked surprised when I arrived and was politely told to leave by Pyrrha. They complied, surprisingly, and we enjoyed our drinks.

"They're all still crazy for you, huh?"
P: Surprisingly, yeah.
"Guess some things never change."
P: Indeed.
"How's the whole "being a maiden" thing working out?"
P: Very. Busy. I'm sorry if you don't hear from me often.
"No, no, I perfectly understand. Duty calls, right?"
P: ...right.

She looked kind of upset but I get close to her and put my arm around her shoulder. The only significant change from a year ago is that her hair's a bit longer and she has a new outfit. Other than that, she's the same Pyrrha I knew and fell in love with.

"Oh, come on, Pyrrha, I totally understand. You have your priorities, I have mine and that's perfectly fine. I still have you always and I still love you."

Pyrrha smiles and we both give each other a kiss.

We had a long conversation and finished our drinks and left a tip. After that, we walked around the town and we then heard a clank.

We went around a corner and saw a person rubbing their forehead while a group of kids went and picked up a ball beside them. The person was then helped up by whom, I assume, was their girlfriend.

I walk over to them and I almost immediately recognized the person that got hit.

BF/N: Y/N?
"Holy shit. It's been a long time!"

It was an old friend of mine. We both hugged each other continued the conversation.

"What are you doing here?"
BF/N: I was gonna ask you the same thing!
"Wow, it's been so long!"
BF/N: Right?
"Yeah. Anyways, who's the lady beside you?"
BF/N: Oh, this my girlfriend, Neo.
"Nice to meet you."

I extend a hand to shake hers but she was hesitant. Eventually, we both shook hands properly.

BF/N: Well, look who bagged himself a fucking ringer, here. Miss Pyrrha Nikos, nice to finally meet you in person.
P: Nice to meet you too!

They both shook hands and as Pyrrha was about to shake Neo's hand, she became hesitant again. There is something very, very familiar about Neo but I can't put my finger on it.

BF/N: Hey, Y/N, we were on our way to a cool district down the block, wanna come?
P: We would love to.
BF/N: Neo?

She gave two thumbs up.

BF/N: That's great. Shall we?

We then walked alongside BF/N and his girlfriend as me and Pyrrha held hands. Although, sometimes I'm away from Pyrrha, we still have each other. We're all we have. And I'm not gonna let anyone take that from us.

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