Wait For The Moment

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A few weeks later...

As Pyrrha leans in closer, I can feel her breathe heavier and get warmer. I also lean in but I manage to calm myself down and get close enough to almost feel her lips. It's too close to touch. Those red lips are too tempting to reject. As I drew closer and closer, it was less than a few centimeters away from me. This is it. This is my chance...

Present Day...
The day after the previous chapter.

I wake up from my nap as Fabienne nudged me which caused my arm that I was sleeping on slip. She smirked and started to talk.

F: Tired from flirting with Miss Nikos, eh?
"It's not flirting, per se, it's just very friendly conversations."
F: You can have very friendly conversations with us.
"No thanks. I'm more inclined with people I have interest in. No offense."
F: *gasp* I am very offended. We are your teammates, have you no interest in us?
"It's not that, it's-"
F: That's it. I am done with you. Wait 'til the girls hear about this.

Fabienne then made it look like she was crying but I can see her sly smirks from certain angles. The class then looked at me with judging eyes. I was given the stink eye by my classmates and professor until the end of the period at which point I got out the classroom quickly.

I sigh heavily and walk to my locker to grab stuff for the next period. I decide to walk around the school for a bit since I've got a bit of leeway between classes.

As I walked around, I saw a flyer for a dance. Which was in...a few weeks. It seems that the freshmen have it great for them. I wish I got to go to the dance...


A few weeks? I mean, it's not required to have a date to go but I can't help but think about Pyrrha. It's the perfect time to tell Pyrrha how I really feel. I mean the atmosphere there is kinda romantic if I think about it. It could be like the movies like I-no, no, no, this is not the movies. This is the real deal.

This is my chance. To get to her.

The bell rings, snapping me back to reality and I just realized that I spent my free time thinking about an event that I could attend and get possibilities of getting with Pyrrha. I could ask her out or play hard-to-get and let her ask me out. Nah, I think I'll look more like a douche.

I focus back at the start of the next class and make a rush for it. Better to focus on the task at hand rather than...dancing...with Pyrrha.

Ah crap, come on!

I arrive at the class, barely beating the next professor. I make a rush for a seat next to C.C. and take out my notebook.

She stares at me with a brow arched. I glare back with a serious look. She raises her hands up to her chest as to show a sign of defeat. I turn back my attention towards the board and jot down the notes that appeared. I had to do something to keep my mind off of the dance...

After classes...

I go immediately to my room and set down my things on my bed. I see Alex lying on the bed using her phone and she looks at me and smiles. I smile back and talk to her.

"Hey, Al, how's it going?"
A: Well. How 'bout you? You seem to be more interested in Ms. Nikos than us.
"Heh. Sorry about that. We are supposed to be a team and communicate with each other often."
A: Don't worry about it. We totally understand. I mean, who doesn't have a crush on somebody during these years? We don't blame you if you think Pyrrha's attractive, we think so too. I mean, Lucas Carmine isn't too bad to look at too. He doesn't smile too much but when he does, I just freaking melt. It gets my panties in a twist, if you know what I mean~
"*chuckle* Yes, Al, I know what you mean."
A: And Ybarra too. The accent's what gets me.
"Well, I hate to break it to ya but he's gay."
A: He's what?
A: Well, shit. I mean, he acts a little flamboyant but I thought he was just screwing around.
"Yeah, well, I bet he's screwing anyone around right now."
A: You're an ass. Anyways, what do you really want to talk about right now? Is it about the dance?
"You...read my mind."
A: Ugh, come on (Y/N), a girl knows just by body language. That and the dance is nearing.
"Heh, and I assume that you already have a date?"
A: Is it mandatory?
"No, but-"
A: Good, because I don't.
"Well, that sucks."
A: Hey, if I have no one to keep eyes on, I'll gladly take a glance towards the food. If people don't mind, I mean.
A: But, seriously, you should ask her out. When you're ready. But make it memorable.
A: Hell, if I know. Recite a poem, sing to her like the weird blonde kid did with Weiss Schnee, blast some new wave shit. I prefer George Michael, Rick Astley or U2. Maybe Toto or Hall and Oates if you're really feeling lucky.
"I'll, uh, keep that in mind."
A: If you want to have much more confidence boosters, ask the other two.
"Alright. Thanks."

I change into my sleepwear and lie on the bed. Me and Al spent the remaining hours talking about our days here in Beacon as we approached the hours of slumber.

And as soon as that, we went out like a light.

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