Dust to Dust

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I wake up being carried by a stretcher with Pyrrha by my side.

P: Y/N!

She kissed me again for a few minutes and we pull away from each other.

"You alright?"
P: I'm fine. It's you who I should be worried about.
"'Tis but a flesh wound."
P: I'm sure it's bigger than that.
"You got me."

We then both laugh shortly. I then remember what happened to Lucas.

"Pyrrha, where's Lucas?"

Her expression dropped and turned into sadness.

P: He's being dragged out now. We don't know if he'll survive or not.

I felt a hint of regret for not being quick enough to save him from Cinder but then I remember that it's what he would've wanted.

P: Lucas is a strong person. I'm sure he'll push through.
"I hope so."

She grabs my hand as I was loaded into the van and she entered shortly.

It has been a crazy damn ride from Beacon. I didn't even get to finish my first year. But as I look at Pyrrha and smile, we could work this out. No matter what.

Author's Note: Oh yeah! Second finished product, baby! Thank you to all of you who stood by and read until the end of the second story. Thank you to all of you for those who stuck around even after months of waiting. Thank you for all the comments and the critiques. I will do my best to improve and improve. All of you have a great day or night and stay fucking safe! Let's go!

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