Dancing Shoes

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The day of the dance...

I sat on the bed and sighed heavily. Well, tonight's the night. And I'm more nervous than excited. All I heard from the students were about the dance. Who are you going with? What'll you be wearing? Do these pants make me look fat? Shouldn't Cheez-its be called Cheez-thems? (The last one was actually me but, whatever.)

I already had my black shirt on and I was fixing it. I put on my white vest and tied my necktie. But before I could button up my vest, the girls come in.

F: Well, lookie here. You even have the same outfit my dad had years ago.
"In that case, maybe you could call me 'daddy' anytime.
F: Don't push your luck, fuckface.
A: Anyways, you look handsome, (Y/N).
C: Yeah. Besides you looking like a note on a music sheet, you're damn handsome.
"Thanks, girls. I would also like to say that all three of you look beautiful. Especially with those dresses.
F: Much appreciated.
"So, any one of you got a partner?"
C: No. Not really.
A: I heard Lucas is gonna be there.
"And you are right."
F: That reminds me, we had a little chat a few days ago and he confirmed that he was going to be playing.
A: With a band?
F: No, with the Golden Girls.
"Oh, that sounds awesome!"
C: It is!
A: Okay, guys, we still have a few hours 'til the dance. Wanna go out for a little bit?

We all agreed and we went to the venue. As we got there, I finally buttoned up my vest. We walked around and talked about it for a while. We, again, went out to grab drinks and as we came back, the event was starting.

We rushed inside and looked at the decorations. It's amazing how quickly they finished this. We split up and went our own ways to do something to pass the time.

Dance. Start.

As the music plays, I start to dance with Fabienne and we both had fun. But, suddenly, it feels as if the world slowed down almost to a halt and then I saw her. She was clad in a beautiful red dress and looked amazing from head to toe. She looked just absolutely stunning.

Fabienne may have noticed this because she went out of my way as I approached Pyrrha. She noticed me and also walked towards me. We finally stopped dead in our tracks as we faced each other.

P: Hello again, (Y/N).
"Hello to you too, Pyrrha."
P: Am I late?
"No. Just right on fucking time."
P: Glad to know that. You look very handsome, (Y/N).
"And you look gorgeous."
P: Thank you.
"Shall I have this dance?"
P: Certainly.

I grabbed her hand and lead her to the floor and we just danced and danced. It was a very amazing experience. Words cannot even begin to describe how happy we were. Then the horde of people ran onto the dance floor and me and Pyrrha were separated. I began bumping into other people and tried to find a way out. Suddenly, a hand grabs me by the arm and drags me out the mess.

It was Lucas. Who would've thought? He wore an all black suit except for a blood red tie.

L: Good evening, Mr. (L/N). How has the dance been going?
"Fine. Until I got mobbed."
L: That is quite unfortunate. I saw that you've been having the time of your life with Miss Pyrrha Nikos.
"I was."
L: That is good. It's perfectly normal to have a strong attraction to someone in your life. No pun intended.
"Hehe, yeah. How about you?"
L: Me?
"Yeah. You got someone in your life right now?"
L: No.
"Really? Not even one?"
L: Right now, I prefer to be alone. But if I find someone, I'll be sure to send an urgent message to you.
"*chuckles* I'll keep that in mind."
L: You should...keep...that...in...
"Hmm? Lucas, you alright?"

I tried to snap him out of it but it doesn't work. I look over to wear he has his focus on and it was on a lady in a black dress but not as black as his. He looks like he's seen a ghost rather than a person. The lady was accompanied by a gray-haired guy and a green-haired girl.

L: (Y/N). Do you possibly know who that girl is?
"Her? Oh, she's just a new student. Same as the other two she's with."
L: When did they get here?
"Just a few weeks ago."
L: A few weeks ago?
"Yeah. Why? You know them?"
L: One of them. Please excuse me.

He then walks over to the lady in black with a serious glare in his eyes. It seems as if he has bad blood with that girl.

Turning my attention elsewhere, I see Pyrrha-along with her teammates-on the dance floor. They start dancing as if they choreographed the whole thing. I cheer for Pyrrha and her blonde teammate wearing a dress...for...some reason.

After they finished dancing, the whole venue applauded for them and they start congratulating each other. After that, Pyrrha walked up to me.

P: I've been looking for you.
"Me too. And luckily, I just got to you during your performance. Fucking amazing."
P: Really? You thought that was amazing?
"Everybody did, Pyrrha."
P: Well. I'm just flattered.
"You damn well should be."

As I said that, I saw Lucas get up on stage with other band members. Lucas went to the keyboard and sat down. He looked at the band to see if they were ready.

L: Tonight is a great night for all of you. And it was for me. And now, I would like to make it greater. This song is serious shit. Alright, guys, let's go.

As the song plays, me and Pyrrha immediately look at each other. With smiles on our faces.

"Did you think this was a great night?"
P: It is a great night. But it's greater to just be with you. Let's go.

She then dragged me out up top at the balcony.

P: Romantic isn't it?
"Sure is."

We look at each other and we didn't even know that our faces were so close to each other. I made the move and kissed her and she almost immediately kissed back. The song that was playing was muffled when I heard it and it set the mood perfectly.

We didn't pull back until the song ended and we were breathing heavily. She hugged me and I hugged back.

"Getting kinda chilly out here, don't you think?"
P: What are you talking about? Your body's warm and I prefer it like that.

She then looked up at my face and gave a peck on my lips.

I would never give up any other moment in my life when I'm with her. Never ever.

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