May I Have This Dance?

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1 week to go...

I stare at my contacts in my scroll and my eyes fell on one name: Pyrrha Nikos. Only a week to go. This could be my chance.

I press the name and call her. Right now, she's working on a commercial for-god forbid-Pumpkin Pete's. But maybe she could clear way for a little walk with me. The phone rings a few times then I finally hear her voice.

P: Hello? (Y/N)?
"That's me. Don't wear it out."
P: I'll keep that in mind. So, why'd you decide to call?
"Well, I know that you're in town and doing a commercial and I was wondering if you're not too busy...maybe we could hang out a little?"
P: Oh, sure! Conviniently, my filming schedule will finish in about two hours.
"Oh, that is convinient..."
P: Where'd you like to meet?
"Just the cafe next to the bookstore."
P: Oh, well, I don't know where that is. I don't really get out that much.
"Alright, how 'bout the park? I doubt you'll forget where that is."
P: Well, you can't miss it.
P: Yeah.
P: Anyways, I got to go right now. See you later!
"You too."

The conversation ends and I lie down on my bed with the scroll in my hands. That could have gone a lot better. I mean, a lot. I put my scroll down and all three of my teammates enter the room.

C: Did you see the way he looked at me? It's like he was staring into my soul.
A: I hear you...
"Hey, girls, where'd y'all go off to?"
A: Just around town. We saw Team LYTR touch down from their mission. But with the look on their faces, it looked like they were on a joyride rather than a mission.
F: I mean, the pilot said the mission took a whole 16 hours. Not even a day!
"They're nothing less than efficient."
C: They keep that up, we'd be out of jobs before we graduate.
"Grimms multiply faster rabbits. I think we might have a chance."
F: You could say that. Anyways, (Y/N), let's all go out together. It's been a while since we last had a very quiet day like this.
"You've read my mind, Faye."
A: Also, I heard Pyrrha's shooting a commercial in town. I think that's also why you're excited to go 'round town.
"You could say that. I'd just like to ask Pyrrha out for the dance."
F: Oh, yeah. The dance is in one week.
A:  No one even asked us out.
F: Al, this isn't a mandatory 'take a lucky person out with you' dance.
A: I know. But it isn't bad dancing with someone you love.
"Smells cheesy in here..."
C: You're one to talk.
"I have my rights. Now, come on!"

We exit our dorm room and make our way through the town. We mostly just walked around and bought some accessories. We finally sat down in a cafe. When I was drinking a warm espresso, my scroll vibrated and I looked to see a selfie of Pyrrha and the park at the background. A text message followed shortly after. It read: 'Got time? Already done.'

I excused myself and grabbed my cup said goodbye to the girls. I walk to the park and immediately see Pyrrha. We went in the park and walked around and had a chat. After about 15 minutes of walking around, I see someone playing flamenco on a guitar. We approached the player to hear it better and it was none other than Mr. Carmine.

"Uhhh, Lucas? Is that you?"
L: Yes.
P: I heard your team came back just today.
L: Our team completed the mission, yes.
"Is it true you guys finished it in 16 hours?"
L: 16 hours and 47 minutes to be exact. But timing is not important. Completing the mission is our main priority.
"Cool. Anyways, I didn't know you play guitar."
L: Most people do not. Except for my teammates.
P: You're playing is amazing! Could you do us a favor and maybe play something soft?

He nods and starts playing. The melody made our bodies move and smile. Pyrrha and I slow danced to the song and just had fun. As the song ended, we caught ourselves staring into each other's eyes. The eye contact was broken when people started clapping. We both blush and I looked at Lucas who gives an approving nod and a thumbs up all the while maintaining his stoic expression. People then started to crowd up on Pyrrha and we had no choice but to go to somewhere much quieter. As we run away, I hear Lucas:

L: I'll see you both at the dance.

About 7 minutes of hiding later...
We were kinda tired from escaping her fans and finally sat down on a bench.

This is the moment. I've got to tell Pyrrha now!

"Uh, Pyrrha?"
P: Hmm?
"I just really wanted to ask you if..."
P: You wanted to be my date at the dance?
" wanted to be-wait, what?"
P: *chuckles*
"Uh, yeah. That."
P: I'd love too. Although, even if you don't ask me out, you're the only person that I'd gladly accept a date from.
"How'd you know?"
P: I was going to tell you too, hence, why I decided to go with you even when I had a pretty tight schedule.
"Oh. Well, uh, thanks."
P: Anytime.

We both smile and laugh then she rests her head on my shoulder. I slowly put an arm around her. She then moves in closer.

P: (Y/N)?
P: I was just this a date?
"Uhh, I guess so?"
P: I'd say it totally is one.
P: (Y/N), I am going to be honest with you. You are the very first person I liked more than a simple friend.
"Why is that?"
P: Because you see me as just someone normal. Not like worshipping me as a celebrity. You see matters in me and I see yours too.
"You always mattered to me, too. I saw you as a great friend and I liked you. And, now, well, I like-like you now. It's been something I've been feeling for a few months now and I can't hide it now."

We then stare at each other's eyes and get closer. And closer. And closer. Until our lips finally met and I felt a spark in my chest. Her soft lips put against mine, it felt amazing. Then the sense of euphoria ended when she pulled away from the kiss.

She leans her head on my chest and looks at me. There was a brief moment of silence until she kissed me again and euphoria, once again, kicked in. I don't know how long we made out and what time we returned to the dorms but what I do know is that I found my love.

Worth Fighting For (Pyrrha x Male Reader) (Complete)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon