Class In Session

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First day of classes
An hour and a half until class starts...

It was too early in the morning for me to deal with bullshit, but, here are my teammates...

They all woke up at about four in the morning and they have been trying to wake me up since. I put my blanket over my head to protect my eyes from burning up from the light Alex just turned on.

"(Y/N)! Come on..."

I hear Faye trying to wake me up by shaking me. But I didn't wake up or even tried to budge. Y'all can try, but this boy is not moving.

Then I heard quiet counting and giggles from just outside my blanket. And a shadow loomed over me as I fix my position on the bed.


Oh no.


Oh no.



I immediately pull down my blanket to find out what was going on but it was too late...

Faye, with her elbows out, fell on my stomach. Hitting my "land down under".

I push away Faye and roll out of bed. I grab my crotch tightly and wince at every pain I felt at the moment.

"Goooood morning!" Faye says with a huge smirk on her face.

"What the fucking fuck was that?" I ask, visibly pissed.

"It was a wake up call."

"That was almost genocide!"

I stand up with my feet staggering for a moment or two and walk over to Faye.

"First day and this is how it starts? What the fuck is this shit!? Do you treat your damn leader like that? Fucking hell..."

I walk off and storm to the bathroom seething with anger and I try to cool off.

About 10 minutes later...
I let out a heavy sigh and dry myself off in front of the mirror. I cooled off for now and I was on my way back to my room. I open the door and peek around if the girls are still there. Sure enough, they were.

I enter and take out my school uniform and lay it on the bed.

I scoff at the girls.

"Can y'all turn around for a minute?"

They all face the opposite direction from me and I started to put on my underwear. Then I put on my pants. Then my shirt, and so on...

"Alright, you all can turn around now."

They turn to me and Fabienne walks up to me with a concerned look on her face.

"(Y/N)...I'm sorry"

I look at her expectantly and I finally reply.

"Yeah, sure..."

I then gather up my stuff and put it in my bag. I grab my scroll which was given to us just yesterday and check the schedule. I then hear Faye talk to me.

"That was it?"

I raise an eyebrow from her question and, without turning, I reply.

"Yeah. You expecting more? Listen, I don't want to fuck up our chemistry because of one prank. Though it may have hurt, it's still important to take it as a joke. Now, we don't wanna be late for class. Pack up, girls."

To be honest, I'm still mad about what happened to me earlier. But, I guess I can't stay mad at them.

"Uh, (Y/N), class doesn't start in an hour..."

I look at my scroll to check the time and Alex was right.

"Well, can't kill you to wait longer. I mean, all three of you woke up at 4 in the morning."

Might as well wait for now.

An hour later...
School hall
I walked around the hall to see students walking around and some clammering to go to class. I was taking my time trying to find Miss...Goodwitch's class and after a few minutes, I finally found it.

I opened the door to her class and I look around the room to see none other than Miss Nikos. I immediately went to the chair beside her.

"Hey, Pyrrha how's it hanging?"

Pyrrha looks up at me with a surprised expression but she eventually smiles.

"Pretty good. How 'bout you?"

"Fine. Team leader seems to be a heavy title even if we didn't even start training yet."

"I'm sure it is. And I assume you're pretty glad with the three girls? As your teammates, I mean..."

I smirk at her.

"If you're trying to tempt me, Pyrrha, it's not gonna work."

She lets out a laugh and I follow up with one.

Then, Miss Goodwitch finally enters the classroom and everyone went quiet. She looks around fixing her glasses and her notes. She greeted us good morning and congratulated us on passing Beacon. She then gave us a stern look and said that she expects us to keep up the quality of our work in the school.

I listen very carefully to her and look around and wonder who else is listening besides me and rest assured, there was Pyrrha with her head resting on her hands listening to every word Miss Glynda says.

I can't stop gazing at her. It's like she's glowing. And everytime she smirks added more to her beauty. Her green eyes attract me towards her and it's getting closer and closer to me.

She then turns to my direction.

"Uh, do you need anything?" she asks suddenly.

I find myself almost leaning on her and I smile.

Oh, crap, Y/N, you better not fuck it up this time!

"Got any notes?"

I swear, I still don't know how I'm able to fuck things up badly...

"It's still orientation, Y/N..."

Make this one count, boy.

"Just messing with ya!"

Pyrrha looks at me curiously as I fix my seating. I spent the last remaining time to listen to Miss Glynda and her lecture but also snuck glances at Pyrrha a few times.

After class, I pick my bag up and exit the room. Then Pyrrha came up to me and we talked all the way until I reached my next class.

"See you later.", she says.

I nod and head into the class.

I really hope I do see you later, Pyrrha.

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