Main Attraction

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A few weeks later...

I wake up groaning and still clinging to the sheets of my bed as if there was something  pulling me up. In fact, there was: class. I stretch my whole body and finally get up to go straight to the bathroom and cup my hands under the running sink as to get water and I splash it on my face.

I freshen up and return back to my room. I check my scroll to know what time it is only to find a message from Pyrrha.

'Hope you didn't sleep in like last time.'

It was sent 3 minutes ago. I reply to her.

'Joke's on you, I woke an hour ago.'

Knowing her, I dress up quickly, putting on my pants and sweater. I wait right next to the door and try to surprise her.

A few minutes pass and I can see her shadow from the foot of the door. I open it up and there she was about to knock with her hands curled up. She was clearly surprised as I had smug face of satisfaction. I do a fist bump with her raised fist and she finally put it down.

P: Well, well, guess who decided to wake up early...
"Yeah, I'll gonna get used to it for, like, a few years so I guess I should start somewhere."
P: You sure it wasn't that dream again?

That dream. Everything was in chaos. I shake the thought from my mind.

"Nah, my body voluntarily wanted to suffer."
P: *chuckle* Well, you know who to talk to if you have that dream again, right?
"Yeah, I'm really glad I have a licensed psychologist now."
P: Yep, here I am if you need me.
"Better than speaking with my team, if you ask me..."
P: Speaking of your team, where are they?
"Got some early training."
P: And you didn't go with them?
"Believe me when I say my body still hurts after my training with Lucas 2 days ago. Guy's a damn machine."
P: He has good intentions though. Trained with him once. I woke up sore the next morning but felt more flexible after a week. He's great at loosening up those tense muscles.
"Speaking of him, we should get going. You know Ms. Glynda and Lucas' punishment."

I shiver at the thought and see Pyrrha smiling at me. She gives me a 'are you serious?' stare.

I grab my bag and head out. I walk alongside Pyrrha and we chat for a while until we reach the classroom. We enter and see Lucas just sitting in a chair behind the desk. He pivots on the spot and stares at us expectantly.

He grabs a mug and sips whatever was inside.

L: We're having a field day, lovebirds.

Me and Pyrrha stare at each other.

L: *sips* It means get ready to fight. I'll show you the way...*sigh*

He gets up and walks outside and down the hall. We follow him to a room and inside was our classmates sitting in what seems to be a podium and just under that were two of them fighting and I must say, it was impressive...

Lucas gestured with one arm for us to enter and me and Pyrrha found a seat. I offer a seat to her and sit beside her. As I face to where the action was happening, it ended. Quickly.

Glynda appeared to be on some kind of tablet and then she saw us.

Glynda: Ms. Nikos, Mr. L/N. Glad to have you two finally here. You may already know the punishment for tardy students...

Honestly, I don't know what her punishment is but when Lucas said it last week, it sounded like it was full of malicious intent. And he sounded threatening and empty inside at the same time.

Glynda: Because we are having our fight practice today, I get to choose your partner.

Please be Pyrrha, please be Pyrrha, please be Pyrrha...

Worth Fighting For (Pyrrha x Male Reader) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now