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Y/N P.O.V.

I stand in shock as to what had happened. Penny's body was torn apart and her limbs are all over the floor. I couldn't utter a single word or call Pyrrha's name out.

Then, the broadcasting system had turned red and showed a chess piece. A voice came from all of the speaker and it was eerily familiar. This could be Cinder Fall talking. She spouts on about General Ironwood and Professor Ozpin. All of this was happening in a matter of minutes.

I look around for Lucas to get his attention. There's too many people all around to find him.

I then hear a loud thump from above. It was a giant Grimm. The sight of it makes my heart beat faster as I remember that it is directly above Pyrrha and is about to break the defense.

I rush over to her and jump off the bleachers along with Jaune, Nora, and Ren. I rush to the stage and climb on. I ran to her and was just a few feet away from grabbing her until the defense broke and the Grimm landed between us.

The force of the landing sent us all back a few feet. I quickly get up and run to Pyrrha as the Nevermore approaches. I run as fast as I can but the Nevermore is only a few feet closer. But before the creature could hurt Pyrrha, a red blur came barreling into the Nevermore's chest.

It was Ruby. She was holding Penny's weapon and pointed it towards the Nevermore. It gave a loud screech as it took off. Initially, I thought it was going out of the arena but it circled around. It was going straight towards Ruby and Pyrrha.

I took out my scroll and sent my locker and Pyrrha's towards the arena. Apparently, I wasn't the only one who thought of it as lockers came down on the Grimm and pinned it down. As it slowed down, pinned by the lockers, it gave another loud screech. I immediately go to my locker and grab my weapon whilst the other students behind us did too. It's not long until the Nevermore recovers and stand up and we ready our weapons.

However, there were already some students on the job. Ren blinds one of the Grimm's eyes and Nora pummeled its head. Then the final slice to the Grimm's head was done by two other students. I lower my guard and direct my attention to Pyrrha. I go over to her locker and grab her weapons.

She's still crying and talking to Ruby.

Ruby: ...but it wasn't your fault.
"Damn right. None of this was your fault. But I have strong suspicion that whoever was on the mic was the one who planned this. Now, we either sulk here and lay hopeless about the death of a great student or we find the one who did this and end it."

I hold up her weapons to her.

"What do you think?"

She wipes her tears and grabs the weapons.

P: Let's go.

I smile at her and she smiles back. I look over at the students, seemingly ready to fight. Just then, a loud roar came from atop the arena.

"Ah crap, not again..."

Griffons perched on top of the arena and flew down to our direction.

Neptune: Anybody got a plan of attack?
"Best we can do is stand our ground."

Then Ruby called out to another student and asked for his scroll.

I turn my attention back to the Griffons circling around us. Then, I heard a roar few feet behind me. It was a Griffon perched on top of Ruby's locker. I was about to help when a shot rang out and hit the Griffon.

Prof. Port: I think it is best for you to leave.

Then Ruby starts to talk back but was quickly cut off by Doctor Oobleck. She seemed to agree with what he said and grabbed her weapon. A Griffon then flew down between the distance of the teachers and Ruby. She was ready to fight but a blade was thrown into its eye and it roared in pain. Then, Lucas came running and got a hold of its open mouth. He then took another blade and sliced the mouth and stuck it into the Griffon's neck and dragged it down. He then took out the other blade stuck in its eye and kicked it down; the creature disintegrated shortly. He then looked at me.

L: Kept you waiting, huh?

I smiled slightly at his comment.

L: You all probably didn't hear it. Get your asses out of here!

Ruby ordered the students to go out and we all followed suite. I look back at Lucas whenI was near the exit and he nodded at me. I carry on outside the arena and fight my way to Cinder.

Lucas P.O.V.

I turned my attention to both of my former teachers.

Prof. Port: Glad you could make it, Mister Carmine. It's been a while.
"It has."
Prof. Port: I see that you're still a man of few words.
Dr. Oobleck: Gentlemen, I do hate to interrupt your small talk but there are more pressing matters in our hands.
Prof. Port: Of course, haha! How could I forget? So, Barty, one final time!
Dr. Oobleck: I'm feeling excited. How about a thousand lien for the one with the most kills?
Prof. Port: I love the way you think, hah! How about you, Mister Carmine?
"I do what I have to do and I remember all the things you all taught when dealing with Grimms."
Dr. Oobleck: What is it, Mister Carmine?

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