Team Efforts

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We reach the source of the sound and what we saw there was an ugly situation. 8 students were fighting off a Nevermore. A giant fucking Nevermore.

It was a clusterfuck to say the least. And one of the students fighting was Pyrrha. I immediately thought of helping out but Fabienne stopped me before I can even get close.

"Fabienne, what are you doing? Let me go!" I say madly.

"No, (Y/N), it's too dangerous. You can't risk it!"

"Can't you see they all need help!?"

"Can't you see that you'll put you and me in danger?"

As soon as I open my mouth to reply, I hear a loud bang and see the Nevermore drop like a fly. Fabienne lets me go and is in awe. So was I.

How can just 8 students eliminate a damn Nevermore?

"Holy shit."

"My thoughts exactly, Fabienne."

Me and Fabienne approach the place where the fight took place and there were the students. They greet us and I immediately went to Pyrrha.

"Pyrrha, you okay?"

"Yeah. How about you?"

"Fine. How the hell did you take down a Nevermore?"

She lets out a small chuckle.

"Well, it's thanks to all of them actually."

She gestures towards the other students.

"Anyways, (Y/N), about the date you said..."


"Oh shit. Yeah!"

"Is it still open?"

"Uh, yeah..."

"I'll accept."

What. The. Fuck. Is. Happening.

"I'll keep that in mind."

She laughs a little and she goes on with the other students and I follow her vite.

A little while later...
Announcement Hall, Beacon

I stand among the crowd of students tapping my foot nervously looking around and seeing people I don't even know. That is, until Fabienne shows up.

"Hey, (Y/N)." She greets.

"Oh, hey, Fabienne."

"You can call me Faye, it's much easier. Anyways, you excited on who's gonna get called as a team?"

"I'm actually a bit nervous."

"Oh, lighten up. If it makes you feel any better, I could let you think I'm your teammate."

"Thanks, Faye."

She smiles at me and I smile back and we hear a high-pitched sound coming from the microphone and standing there was a man in green with white hair and glasses. I guess he's going to announce the teams now.

First on, he calls out the names of the students and announces who'll be leader. I got nervous as he announces the leaders because I know I'm far from being one.

And after a few name callings, he mentions Pyrrha along with 3 other students: a blonde boy, a ginger and the guy with a pink streak in his hair. They were known as JNPR.

After they got off the stage, I felt a pang of anxiety hit me. I think Faye caught that because she almost immediately knew the look on my face. She smiles at me and as she was about to talk, I heard my name.

"(Y/N) (L/N)"

I look at her and she gives a thumbs up to me before I go on the stage.

I stand at the stage looking at the people that could potentially become my teammates for the rest of my life. I can't help but think about who'll be next. I think it'll be...

"Fabienne Muto."

Fuck me. She jinxed it. She went up the stage with a smile on her face as she looks at me. I think she knew I was going to be her teammate from the start.

"Cecilia Morado."

Another girl went up the stage. With a smile she stood beside Fabienne and with every time I see that smile, I see it getting more fake.

"Alex Sangria"

The last one was a girl but I'm not sure. Could be a guy. Could be a trap. He...or she waved at us with a smile and looking very cute.

"And the leader for the team is.."

It's probably going to be me, I jokingly thought.

"Mister (Y/N) (L/N)."


The other three teammates looked at me and applauded. I put on my best fake smile as to show that I am not ready for this time of thing.

We go down the stage with the three following behind me. We found a place to chill out and to introduce each other. Since me and Fabienne know each other now, we let the other two introduce theirselves.

First one up was Cecilia.

"Hey, I'm Cecilia. You can call me C.C. or Lia. I'm from Atlas and I hope we can work together smoothly. But first, I have to address the elephant in the room: Alex."

She shoots a look at Alex and I can see on her...or his face the confusion in the situation.

"Oh, uh, me?" Alex asks.

"Yeah. Alex are you a boy or a girl?"

"Uh, I'm a girl..."

After Alex responded, Cecilia has this confident smug on her face. I mean, I'm just glad my fragile masculinity wasn't destroyed.

Moving on, we were told to gather our stuff from the locker and go to the Beacon living quarters. We were shown our room and it was better than I expected.

We put down our stuff on the bed and Alex immediately lays on the bed.

I unpack my stuff and as I was removing my stuff to see my teammates staring at me weird.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Well, uh, since you're sharing a room with us, it's kinda awkward..." Alex responds.

I think about it and I reply.

"Well, you won't have any problem with me. I'm..."

Come on, dude, make up a good reason.


*internal screaming*

"Oh, alright." C.C. responds with a smile on her face.

It's going to be a long and bumpy ride from here...

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