Afterschool Tea Time

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I see Pyrrha clad in a dress with a combination of red and white. I walk towards her but with every step, comes a jolt of pain across my face. Kind of like a slap. I walk a few steps and there was the jolt again but this time, it was a bit harder. Like a punch. My vision towards Pyrrha blurs a little but I continue walking. Then everything began shaking and my surroundings started...collapsing? And after collapsing, I wake up confused.

As I open my eyes, a slap went across my face. Still dazed, I saw another slap coming and I grab the arm to stop this any further.

F: Well, well, Sleeping Beauty awakens.
"What the hell is happening?"
F: The end of class happened.
C: You were practically knocked out after the second half of class. So we decided to wake you up.
"By fucking slapping me?"
A: That and shaking you awake. Which seemed to do the trick...
"Wait, 'that AND shaking you awake'? You mean to tell me that you all took turns hitting me across my face then shaking me awake?"
F: Well, it did do the trick.
C: It works when I wake up my older brother and sister...
"But I'm not your sister, am I?"
C: I mean you're kinda like my brother...

I sigh heavily and finally get up before I get anymore frustrated. We all exit the classroom get ready for the next class. It seems that my teammates are nothing but a nuisance today. We were just teammates for a day and this is what's happening. I'll have to remind myself to improve teammate relationships.

And as I was reminding myself, I saw Pyrrha again. She seemed to be fixing her locker...

You know what? I've been kinda vague lately about flirting with Pyrrha and that usually ends fucked. So, I approach her and lean on the locker like those flirty jocks in the movies and I smile. She was still fixing her bag and as she reached for the locker handle, she flung it open. And being the only person in the trajectory of the locker door, I was hit.

And I think Pyrrha noticed since she slowly closed the door and has a concerned look on her face.

P: Oh no, I'm so sorry! Are you alright! Did you receive a concussion? I-
"I-I'm alright. Just shaken up."
P: I'm so sorry about that.
"It's cool. I've been hit with a door on multiple occasions albeit one was thrown at me."
P: Well, I'm glad it didn't affect your face...
"Truth be told, you kind of jogged my that's where I left my library card."

She laughs at my joke and I smile.

P: Well, I hope you don't forget about tea time later.
"Of course not. I wouldn't dream of it."

She giggles and closes her locker. She waved goodbye to me as she goes to her next class. I stand there admiring her. And I only snap out of it when someone taps my shoulder.

I turn around to see Lucas Carmine looking at me with one brow raised and a smirk.

L: She's one gorgeous girl, isn't she? Piece of advice: if you feel there's something wrong deep down in your gut, you shouldn't ignore it. You'll need it if you're with her. Take care of her. Please.

His last word strikes me in my heart. The way he said it was like he was...begging. Like he knows there's something bound to happen.

He walks away with a concerned look.

I was left standing there, reflecting on what he said. Then the bell snaps me out and I run to my next class. That was the only thought I could think of for the whole day...

After school...

I walk to my locker and review my notes for a while and as I put back my books inside, my instincts told me that there was someone behind me. I spin on the spot to find out there was no one there. I turned around and closed my locker after which I saw a face when the locker door closed. I jumped at the sight and immediately recognized that face.

Y: It's been a while...
"Sure has been..."
Y: What are you doing here?
"I study here now. How 'bout you?"
Y: Same.

We chatted for a couple minutes and we waved goodbye to each other and went our seperate ways. And my way is towards Pyrrha.

I locate Pyrrha waiting for me where she told me she would've been waiting.

"Kept you waiting, huh?"
P: Not really. *giggles*
"Well, that's a good thing."
P: Shall we?
"Oh, of course."

She walks ahead and I follow quickly. She leads me to her dorm room and I felt uncertain about what we could do.

She opens the door and three people stare back at me.

A ginger girl wearing a shirt with pink sleeves and logo of a hammer on her chest, a guy with a pink streak on his hair (which I think the ginger girl had something to do with it...), and the blonde guy I once saw that is apparently the leader of their team.

P: Hey, guys, this is Y/N.

The ginger girl raises a brow and half-smiles.

Carrot Top: Hey, Pyrrha, not to offend or anything but isn't it a little too early in the school year to date?

I stare at her with a nervous expression but I keep calm and put on a pokerface. Pyrrha, however, was blushing lightly.

P: Can't someone just make a friend, Nora?
Nora: Fair point.

Pyrrha sighs and lets me sit down on a bed. The blonde boy walks up to me with his arm extended as if he was going for a handshake. He, apparently, was.

I shake his hand and smile.

Jaune: Hey, there. The name's Jaune Arc. But you can call me Jaune. I heard your name was Y/N, right.
J: Well, I think I should introduce all my teammates here. The girl right there is Nora. The one beside her is her childhood friend, Ren.
Ren: 'Sup.
J: And, of course, you know Pyrrha.

I nod at him. I think everybody here virtually knows Pyrrha.

As I was thinking about her, she comes and sets a complete tea set on a table. We all stare at her, wide-eyed. She just gives a reassuring smile back and it gives us a warm feeling and reassurance.

She invited us to join her and I didn't think twice as I help her set the cups.

We spent the rest of the day chatting with each other and getting to know each other better. Who knew Jaune had 10 sisters? The thought lingers in my mind and smile a bit.

Time flew by pretty fast as the other three went to bed while me and Pyrrha still talked. I had only brought to her attention what time it is and she walked me towards the door. And as I exit the room, I look back and my (E/C) eyes lock with her piercing green eyes.

I go back to my dorm and upon entering, I see three girls already sprawled on their bed, knocked out. I shake my head and quietly laugh as I hop on the bed and drift off to sleep.

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