Ashes To Ashes

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The elevator rapidly ascends as we wait for it to reach our floor. It dings, indicating we have reached the school grounds. Pyrrha walks out of the tower and I followed suite.

"Pyrrha...what-what the hell was that back there?"
P: I...

We then hear a sound coming from the elevator shaft.

"What was that?"
P: Ozpin...

I then realized what happened. Ozpin's gone. It's up to us now.

I hang my head in disbelief and look at Pyrrha.

P: There's no time. Get to Vale. Call for help.
"What're you gonna do?"

She then looks up at the tower and I realize what she's planning.

"Pyrrha, no. Didn't you just see how powerful she was?"
P: I can't risk losing you.
"I can't risk losing you too! Listen, Pyrrha, I trust that you can put up a good fight against her but together, we can maybe take her out. I trust that you can make the right decision but do you trust me?"

I wait for a response but nothing came. She then grabbed my face and kissed me suddenly. It would be a lie if I say that this wasn't the greatest feeling ever. We pull away from each other moments later.

P: I'm sorry...

She then shoved me into a locker and it shut close.

"Pyrrha! What are you doing!? Let me out!"

She then walked close to the keypad. I knew immediately what she was planning.

"Pyrrha! Pyrrha, don't you fucking dare! Let me out! Let me help you!"

My voice was cracking and my eyes are turning watery at this point and Pyrrha might have noticed because she had hesitated before she touched the keypad. She was close to crying by now.

P: (Y/N), don't make this harder than it has to be.
"No, don't YOU make this harder than it is for us. I wholeheartedly trust you to take the fight back to Cinder but what about us?"

I finally got her attention.

"What about everything we've been going through? You're willing to throw that away?"
P: I can't let Cinder take over now. She already obtained the power of another maiden.
"Exactly why we need to work together. Even if you manage to put up a fight, she still has the upper hand. Let me help you. Let's do this together."

She looks at with tears in her eyes and she takes her hand off the keypad.

"I trust that you can be the next maiden. Do you trust me to help you achieve that?"

She then steps away from the locker.

P: Thank you, (Y/N), but I don't want to lose you.

She then turns around and heads for inside the tower.


I call out to her multiple times but she doesn't respond. I do everything to break out the locker but to no avail.

I start losing hope and almost at the edge of an emotional breakdown when I felt something in my pocket. I take it out and realize I still have my Scroll.

I swiftly look at my contacts and see a name that I immediately recognize: Ruby. I call her.

R: Hello?
R: (Y/N)? Wh-
"No time to explain. Go immediately to the tower."
R: What?
"Go to the tower!"
R: Why?
"Pyrrha is in fucking trouble, that's why! Just go. Now! Please!"

I hang up on her. I then pocket my Scroll and struggle to get out of the locker. I bang on it multiple times to no avail. I have not her choice but to wait.

Worth Fighting For (Pyrrha x Male Reader) (Complete)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora