Chapter 49 - ??? and BTS (3rd person)

Start from the beginning

"Not to mention the soulmate mark happening to be her name seems awfully convenient to me."

"Look, we have already talked about this over and over again previously. I personally don't want to talk this over until we are blue in the face again. Let's just get this plan set in motion." The leader takes control of the discussion again.

"What's the first step?"

They start discussing the new plan, of course complaining once again about how the first plan didn't pan out. Making the one responsible for that failure feel even more so alienated than before.

"How are we sure this is going to work?"

"That's why there is always a backup plan. If this one also fails we have a safety net in place. And then there is always the backup plan for the backup plan." They start discussing what they would do if they fail.

The first backup plan is rather aggressive. 'I guess there could be worse options put into play.' Then the third plan is mentioned and all hell breaks loose. At least one of them vocalizes the problems with the third plan.

"What?!?! No! That could backfire! Badly!" The voice of the one in the shadows becomes shaken with her guilt. She puts the phone aside for a second and mutters into the empty room. "I didn't sign up for this."

"You really want her to take them from their true potential soulmate? You really want her to swindle them out of their affections, fame, and money?"

"No, but what if she is truly their soulmate? What if we are completely off base on all this?"

"I don't want her to be their true soulmate. Even if only because she is an American. But, she has a point. Not to mention that excluding the first plan, the other two are highly illegal."

"Like we will get caught. Just trust me."

It doesn't escape the woman in the shadows' notice that the speaker in charge didn't answer the question. 'What if she really is their soulmate? What happens then?'

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Once they all get up Hoseok makes up some random excuse to pull Jungkook aside, into the kitchen, before they all get arranged in the vehicles to take them to the airport. "Were you safe?"

"Safe?" The tired maknae asks in confusion.

"Last night. Did you act responsibly? I know things can get forgotten in the heat of the moment, and since it was your first time and all..."

Jungkook's eyes widen and a blush stains his cheeks and ears. "Hyung!" He clears the squeakiness from his throat that was brought on from immediate embarrassment and nerves. "Um. I'm sorry if you heard something. It wasn't that though. Daisy and I are still both virgins. We just...uh...did other stuff?"

Encoded in our DNA (A BTS Reverse Harem x OC story)Where stories live. Discover now