Chapter 44 - New Pages

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Six months later...

Months had passed since the great chaos that took everyone in total shock. People started to forget about what happened months ago, excluded the two main characters. Everything went fast, it happened in a blink of an eye.

Wonyoung had filed a divorce which finally agreed by Yujin a month after. He tried his best to win her heart back, but she's way too stubborn. She hurted much and so did he. So... They're lawfully divorced now.

Wonyoung acted like she's fine with everything though she obviously not. The other members could tell. She's hiding her sorrow behind those smiles and laughs she showed. She kept herself busy with the tight schedule she got, hoping she could forget what happened in her life as soon as possible. She wished everything would be easy and fall back into places like how it used to be, before the guy came into her life.

Yujin. He barely breathe. Every second is suffocating. He decided to left the company, and the country as well. He doesn't feel South Korea as his home anymore. Everyone hates him. That's what he thought. He knows it's too late for everything. He couldn't change what had happened. If only... If only he can turn back time... He would choose to go back to his very first met with the girl and fix everything.

Under the dark blue night sky, each star twinkling with beautiful light, playfully teasing the people who's watching. The bright moon is completely out. The night is deep where everything became serene and quiet.

From where they're sitting the whole city with lights could be clearly seen. They looked at each other and smile lovingly. The guy taking the girl's hand into his and looked up to the sky.

"Everything isn't the same anymore is it? It feels different without Yujin. Feeling like something is missing. It's empty. The company is not like what it was before." The guy smiled sadly.

"I know. Our group too. Everyone acted like nothing happened, pretending we forgot things. But anyone could feel that everything has changed. Nothing's going to be the same." The girl agreed, caressing the guy's hand with her small thumb.

"Yuri-yah... Why everyone left?"

"Choi Yena..."

"I'm fine Yuri-yah. I know mom is in a better place right now. God has ended her suffer. And dad. He left me and Mingyu. I don't know where is he, and sad to be true that I don't really care about him. Yujin also left me. He's the only friend who understands me well. They all left me. It feels hurt." He paused for a while.

"But I feel grateful that I still have you here with me. Don't you ever leave me Yuri-yah."

"You know that I'll always be by your side. I'll stay with you, everytime."

"And thanks. For finally announcing our relationship to everyone." Yena leaned to kiss Yuri's cheek which made the girl blushed.

"Luckily our CEO allowed us with this dating stuff since Wonyoung and Minju's incident. He afraid the same thing gonna happen if we keep hiding things."

"He's right. Why hiding good things when it supposed to be revealed? There's nothing wrong with having someone you love."

"I know right." Yuri leaned her head to her boyfriend's shoulder.

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