Chapter 43 - Great Chaos

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The evening sky looks tempting and alluring for connoisseurs who enjoy the view of nature. Sun sinking lower in the sky through the long unending horizon, light of day washing away, dusky colors subdued in the fading light, lampost on the street starting clicked on, first star in the night sky appearing, air became cooler, twilight had fallen.

The nature seemingly to be reciprocated well with the feeling she got. The girl sat between the little stairs in the Hangang River. There's lot of people there at the hour. Some just picnicking with their family, some just taking pictures with the beautiful view as the background, some hanging out with their friends, some walking hand in hand with their loved ones.

She could hear laughter and jokes from every corner. It's like mocking her when she's sitting all alone there. She smiled bitterly thinking about the situation she's in. She wanted to cry but she can't anymore. It's been days since she last saw her boyfriend.

She kept rejecting his calls, not replying to his chat or text. Her notifications beamed everyday because of the same person. Ahn Chaewon. Yeah, she found out he cheated behind her on the day where they supposed to have their countless date. They were so in love. But Chaewon ruined it all.

She remember when she tried to surprise him, waiting in front of his faculty for their date. What hurted her that time? She saw him having an argument with this blonde girl at the parking lot beside Chaewon's car. They seemed so into the fight before the girl kissed him. The worst part, Chaewon kissed her back. Anyone would say they're having a special relationship between them.

Well who would just kiss his friend? Like kissing with so passionately? She felt really, really hurt that time. And there she planned everything very well for her revenge. She asked her close friends for help. And there, she did it. She got him broken as well.

"Yah! Choi Jisu! Open this damn door! Tell me what's wrong with you?!"

Chaewon pressed on the bell ragingly, knocking on the door like a crazy person in front of his girlfriend's apartment. Lia knew this is coming. She took a deep breath then opened the door.

"What do you want? I'm busy right now."

"What the fuck?! I'm your boyfriend! Why are you acting this way?! What's gotten into you?!"

"Babe?? Who's there? What's going on?" Ryujin came from inside, yawning. It looks like he just woke up.

"As you can see, you're nothing now. You're just a toy I'm playing with. You're not good in anything, so I find myself someone who's good at everything. And Ryujin is the one. Not you, Ahn Chaewon." Lia side-hugged Ryujin in front of her boyfriend.

"Choi Jisu!!!! What the hell?!!! Why do you have to be this cruel?!! Why do you have to be this evil?!!! I'm so in love with you yet you choose to destroy my world!"

"Don't act innocent you moron. I don't care about you anymore. You can do whatever you want with your girl and I'll do the same with mine. Now leave. You and me, we're over."

She said calmly with her stern voice. The guy could feel its coldness. It crept into his heart.

"What do you mean--"

Chaewon couldn't finish his words when Lia shut the door right in front of his face. While Lia. She broke down in tears behind the door.

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