Chapter 23 - Wanting You

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"Witch... I want you..."

"Yuri-yah... I love you..."


"My Joyullll..."

"What the hell!!" Yujin kicked the sleeping duck beside him. He almost kiss him imagining Wonyoung is there.

"Ouchhhh! Boss! How could you! I let you sleep here but you kicked me? That's fucking hurt boss." Yena whined rubbing his butt.

"Why did you sleep beside me idiot?! You can sleep anywhere in this house..?" Yujin was still shock. Luckily he opened his eyes before he mistook him as his wife.

"First, this is my house. I can sleep anywhere I want boss. Second, it's too cold outside. Third...." The duck guy is still thinking.

"Enough. Where's my phone?"

"Here boss. Anyway, someone name Witch Bunny called you last night. Is she your wife?" Yena is waiting. He really need to hear the truth.

"Whattt?!! Shit!! What did she say?! And what did you say?!" Yujin quickly scrolled through his phone, searching if there's any new notification from the wife.

"I only heard she said you're being a jerk...? I had to be honest. I said you're drunk and couldn't talk to her." Yena scratched his head, furrowing his brows.

"Yahhhh!! You'll be dead, duck! I'll cook you right now! Come over here! I'll twist your neck then skin you to death!" Yujin threw a pillow and it hit right on the duck's face. Perfectly to the target. He chased him to land more real punch.

Yena ran to save his own life. He can't let the boss cook him. How about his Yuri then? They just fixed their problem last night by getting back together. He doesn't feel like dying anymore. He realizes he wants his Yuri more than anything else.

After the chasing they flopped down the floor. Gasping for air. Laughing. Freak people.

"Yeah... She's my wife... She's..." Yujin said still panting.

"Jang Wonyoung from IZONE.. I know boss. You told me last night." Yena cut his word.

"I did? That's... Sucks.."

"I know. You were totally drunk. But thanks to you, I'm getting back with Yuri." Yena regulated his breath before continue talking again. "Now it's time for you. To fix yours. From what I heard last night, she's in real fury boss. She's in great resentful after I told her that you're drunk. You should get your woman back boss." Yena then arised from the floor. "I'll take my shower. There's your key there. Do well boss, I'm rooting for you!"


Yujin went straight home. He planned to clean himself then go to work. As he arrived he saw few pairs of shoes on the doorstep. He's gulping. He knows who's inside. He's like a jittery fish in an aquarium who's waiting to be scoped up now.

"There you are! Where have you been?! You stay outside last night?!"


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