Chapter 20 - Trauma

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"Hey! Are you okay? I'm here..."

Wonyoung woke up at 3. She's having a bad dream again. From her past. It's the man. She doesn't know why it keeps coming back haunting her these past months.

"The man.....! He's coming for me..... I'm scared....! He's going to do more this time... I saw him....!" Wonyoung crying, screaming hysterically.

"What man? Hey... There's no one here... Wonyoung-ah..."

"Aahhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Don't touch me!!!! Leave!!! Go away!!! Mommmmmm!!!!!" She shouted again. Yerin and SinB came knocking on the door. They ran to calm Wonyoung as Yujin opened the door.

"Hey baby.... Sssshhhhh.... It's Daddy and Mommy here.... Ssshhhhh.... No one can hurt you... We're all here.... He's dead. The man is dead. He won't come again. Daddy is here... You'll be okay...." SinB hugged his daughter who's crying in his arms. He looked at Yerin and both of them crying. Yujin was left dumbfounded there with question mark in his head.

It's like the night when he left her. But this time, it's more than that. The girl is quivering in huge fear. He saw her eyes. It was dark, sad, full of fearfulness. Yujin suddenly remember his dark past. He never tried to forget. He will find the man. The man who made his mother suffer. He will take his revenge for sure. He learned all those martial arts for this reason. He wish the man is still alive so he could kill him with his own hands.

"Yujin-ah, could you please get her some water?" Yerin asked.

Yujin then quickly went to the kitchen and took a glass of water for his wife. He wish he could do more to calm her.

"She's sleeping now. I hope she'll be okay. Yujin-ah.. Is this her first time? Or have you seen her like this before? Dreaming something to this extent?" SinB asked, still sitting beside his sleeping daughter.

Yujin can't answer to that question. They never sleep together. How can he know? What should he say?

"I don't know Dad."

"Why? I thought you're sleeping with her. Don't tell me you're not." SinB warned. He got these scary looks when he's being all serious.

"I do Dad. I mean she always stay at their dorm since we got married. Maybe her friends know this." He lied. Afraid he might got killed there.

"I know all her friends. They never say anything. Fyuhhhh.... Yujin-ah, we'll go to our room now. Please keep her safe. She could have the same nightmare again. Please look after her." SinB and Yerin left to sleep. Yujin sat beside the girl, caressing her hair.

"You're so beautiful Wonyoung-ah..." Yujin fix the girl's hair. Few strands seemed to be blocking his view to the perfect features he's seeing. "Now I know how vulnerable you are. I'll protect you, my wife. I hope you'll change your mind and be mine. I'll love you unconditionally Wonyoung-ah." He leaned down, planted a tender kiss on the girl's forehead. Little did he knows the girl isn't sleeping. She heard it all. She felt it all. She felt safe knowing Yujin is there for her.

Yujin stood to walk back to the other side of the bed before Wonyoung pulled his hand. "Don't leave. Please stay." She said with her eyes closed. Yujin smiled seeing the girl.

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