Chapter 10 - Move In, Move On

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They're both sitting in the living room. In front of the TV. Awkward. The situation is weird. Their parents just left after few hours in their apartment.

"So... Uhmmm... What are you planning to do?" Wonyoung asked breaking the silence.

"I'll just sleep for the whole day. It's Sunday. I think that's all. Uhmmm--- I'll go buy something outside... Do you ummm you know, wanna go with me?" Yujin asked back.

"Nahh... I'm finishing my song. I'll just stay here."


Wonyoung sit in her practice room. It's really huge. There's a huge wide mirror just like the practice room in her agency. There are piano and guitar too. The room is also equipped with an expensive sound system. Her father knows her well. They purposely made a special room for her to use since she's still an idol.

She tuned her guitar, trying to compose the song. She's almost done with the lyrics. She made the song special for all her members and of course their fandom which called WIZ*ONE. Reality suddenly hit her. Nobody knows she's married. Not her friends, nor her fans. She feels like being a big liar. She tried to ignore the fact, but she can't.

She saw her phone beamed a light, indicating an incoming call. It's Eunbi. Their leader.

"Eunbi eonnie...?"

"Wonyoung-ah.. Did something happened to you? You didn't reply any of my text since yesterday. I'm worried about you." Indeed. Her voice can tell how worried she is.

"Oh my God! Sorry eonnie! I forgot to reply you. Everything's fine. I just had a family occasion. It was hectic. It was mess. Everyone's busy. Sorry eonnie. I made you worry again." She lied.

"Ahhhh... I feel relieve now. As long as you're fine it's okay. Remember not to skip your meal okay?"

"Hey witch! Come out! I bought us something!" Yujin shouted from outside not knowing Wonyoung is talking over her phone.

"Wonyoungie, who's voice is that? I heard a voice. And it's a man....? Who are you with? Yahhhhh! Do you have a boyfriend you're trying to hide? Are you the second Minju? Eyyyyy, come on.." Eunbi teased.

"Aishhh! You're nonsense eonnie. It's my cousin. My relatives are still here. I gotta go. Anyway, thanks for caring and worrying about me. You're always being you, our typical Eunbi eonnie. I love you!" Wonyoung ended the call.

"Fyuhhh... I'm really a good liar huh?"

"Eheemmmm....." Yujin is standing behind her.

"What did you bought Pup? Let's see." Wonyoung pushed the guy outside to check his plastic bags.

"What are these? Cans of beer? Snacks? That's all?" Wonyoung asked right after she saw everything inside the plastic.

"What do you expect witch?"


"You didn't tell me that. Huhhh! Why don't we sit here, watch some movies and enjoy this beer?" Yujin suggested.

"Are we like celebrating something?"

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