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its been a week since we shaved her hair and the day after she got chemo again

this was her final chemo she needs which was fun

so now we're celebrating

i invited my family, Jonah, Rae, Rae invited her friends and Kayleigh's cousin over to celebrate

"I want to make a speech" Kayleigh says as we're all eating

i tell her to go ahead and she starts

"so i just had my last chemo session thing and i'm so happy. the doctors told me that very soon they will know that i'm cured of this cancer and i'll start my remission process. since this was only stage 2 it only has a .99% chance of coming back. in their hospital only 10 people with stage 2 cancer have had it come back, and none of them had it last or had them die. i'm so close to this being over and i can see the light at the end of the tunnel. this tunnel was very very long and almost seemed never ending. however i've had a flashlight through it. so i want to thank my flashlight, and very very attractive husband. Thank you so much Daniel for sticking by me and never giving up on me. i know i haven't been able to step up to the plate with our kids and it bothers me so much. so i am sorry about that, however you've done a terrific job of it plus dealing with me. so again thank you, i love you so much, definitely more than i love anything. i also love ryland and rae more than i love myself which is crazy, i would nev-" she begins to start to say more but suddenly she starts to not be able to say her words and very shortly she passes out

"OH MY GOD!" i scream catching her



a bunch of people are screaming random things as Jonah calls 911 and frantically explains everything

as we're all trying to help her wake up the ambulance eventually comes and gets her


"we're going to the hospital quick if you want to be there you have to follow"

i run out the door and chase the ambulance as it goes to the hospital

today was supposed to be a celebration not all this

i'm so worried about what's going to happen

sad ending or happy

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