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"DADDY WE'RE HOME" Rae yells running in the house

"What'd you get"

"A dress, a fun princess toy, friendship bracelet stuff, AND chocolate cake" she lists smirking at the chocolate cake part probably because she knows I hate chocolate

"Seriously chocolate cake"

"What it's so yummy"

Soon Kayleigh is in the house with all the bags

"Daniel we need to have a serious talk" she says seriously making me nervous

"Uh-Um about what"

"You. Hate. Chocolate. This little girl deserves to have all the chocolate in the world and you don't let her have it wow I am mad"

"Oh I am sorry. But I don't think my child needs to suffer with the taste of chocolate"

"Well she has to suffer seeing your face"

"Wow are you implying that I am ugly"

"Well im not exactly calling you a god"

"I am highly offended"


"Ugh just date already the cuteness is too much" Rae says leaving the room



Nice going Rae now it's awkward

"Well um I should go put this stuff away" I say in hopes to end this awkwardness

"Yeah I'll um go play with Rae uh yeah her"

She leaves the room and I put the bags away


"Hey Rae can I play with you"

"First I want to talk to you about my daddy"

"Oh um sure"

"Go sit come on" Rae pushes me away onto the couch

She puts herself on my lap and stares right into my soul

"You and my daddy cleeeearly like eachother"

"What?!?! No what are you talk-"

"- don't lie to me I see it"

"I don't know what you are talking about"

"Oh come on a blind person could see. Just admit it. ADMIT IT" she shakes me to get her point across

"Okay calm down"

"So is it true"

"Rae if I tell you this you have to promise me you won't tell anyone"

"I promise"

She puts out her pinky and I link mine with her

"Okay so I do like your daddy. I mean who wouldn't. He's really cute. And when I say really I mean really really really. But he doesn't like me so what's the point. If your daddy liked me I would definitely date him but he doesn't. And I don't want to ruin me and you being best friends by telling your daddy and him not feeling same"

✅ Step-daughter// D.S ✅Where stories live. Discover now