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I just got everyone to leave and i'm going upstairs to our room now

i walk past Rae's room and notice her doors open

i look in her room and she's writing something down in a notebook

she looks up and sees me, immediately closing the notebook

"what were you doing?" i ask walking in

i'm still upset with her about what happened downstairs


"you were writing something what was it"


"Rae let me see"

"no it's not ready yet"

"what is it."

"it's nothing okay go and be with kayleigh"

"no. Raelyn let me see it right now"

"ugh!" she hands me the notebook and i open it

i look through the book and see the page titled

'Sorry Kayleigh, I love you a lot'

"what is it"

"it's my apology to Kayleigh. she's going through a lot right now and i haven't been making it easy. i always said i never wanted to be that stepdaughter that is mean to their step mom but that's what i am"

"Rae you're not mean to her face which is the worst part. you're mean behind her back when you talk about her to me. why do you act like that. like you don't love or care about her"

"i don't know maybe because im almost a teenager. i really can't say"

"well please stop. i know i already said this a lot downstairs but she needs all the love and support right now."

"i get it and i'm sorry. that's why i'm writing this letter. i want her to know how much i really do care and would miss her if she was gone"

"she's not going to be gone. we're going to help her get better until she defeats this cancer. which she will"

"i hope so"

"i have faith that she will"

Rae yawns and i put her book away

"go to sleep you have school tomorrow. i'm sorry how i spilled all my emotions out tonight but i needed you to know"

"it's okay. i should say sorry. i'm sorry i questioned why we had the party and i'm sorry i said you should recognize the fact that she might not be here. i hope you can forgive me"

"of course I can. you're my first child. you've been by my side since the day you were born and that's not going to stop. now seriously go to bed"

"okay well goodnight"

"goodnight i love you" i kiss her forehead and she says it back

i quickly leave the room and shut her door

before i go into our bedroom i check on Ryland

i walk over to his bed and kneel over him

he's fast asleep with his stuffed animal in his arms and his thumb in his mouth

i laugh at how cute he looks and put his blanket closer to him

"i love you baby boy" i whisper kissing his forehead

i leave the room quietly and finally walk in to see my last baby

she's laying on her phone playing some game

once she sees me she puts her phone down and i go on the bed

she lays down into my arms and i wrap them around her in a tight hug, pulling our comforter up to us

"hi dani" she whispers

"hi baby" i whisper back turning to face her

"thank you for the party it made me feel special"

"good that's what you deserve" i kiss her and she smiles

"does Rae hate me? is that why you guys were talking for so long"

"no she doesn't hate you, she loves you. she's just a pre teen who acts like this to everyone. she feels bad though. she's even writing you a letter"

"oh wow"

"yup. by the way thank you"

"thank you? for what"

"since the day we literally met you helped me with her and ever since that's all you've done."

"oh yeah i remember she didn't want to go to school"

"yup. from that day i knew i liked you"

"really?" she says her eyes lighting up with happiness

"yup and look where we are now. happy and in love with two kids"

"well in love with two kids. not happy at the moment"

"what do you mean"

"the cancer. that's not very happy"

"true. but i meant we're happy together. you're happy with me right?"

"of course i am i just misinterpreted what you were saying. i'm super happy with you. the most i've ever been but don't tell jonah"

i laugh and kiss her again

"you're going to get through this you know"

"i can only hope. i don't want to leave you and rae alone again"

"the fact that you're even thinking about us through this is so amazing. if i were you i would be worried about if i'm being buried or not"

"that's not important details what's important are the people you leave behind. when my parents died they left me alone but then i was with my grandparents who gave me an awesome life. and luckily for me when they died i had you. you're my only family left Daniel everything i have is for you. not that i have much"

"you have love and kindness and great cooking skills" i joke making her laugh

"oh and best of all, you have awesomely soft lips that i could just kiss for hours and hours on end without getting tired"

"daniiii you're gonna make me blush"

"good, you're cute like that. you're cute all the time actually."


"nope. you're so beautiful kayleigh"

"thank you"

"of course" i kiss her softly and she yawns

"let's go to bed. it's your first night with an actual mattress and you probably will wake up early with Ryland"

"true. well goodnight i love you so much" she kisses me and rolls over to the other side of the bed

i do the same and reattach my arms to her

"goodnight princess, we're going to get through this together and i'm not leaving or turning my back on you. you're the love of my life, and i love you so much and ill love you forever."
sooooo the ending is soon

✅ Step-daughter// D.S ✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora