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"Ooo ooo I love this one," Rae says pointing to Moana

Right now Daniel is making us popcorn as Rae lays in my lap

I start the movie and make Daniel turn off the lights

He hands me and Rae a bowl of popcorn and sits on the couch next to us

"Seriously I don't even get to be on the same couch"

"SHH," me and Rae say shutting him up

We watch the movie with smiles on our faces

Mid-movie I fall asleep.

However, I hear Rae talking

"OMG look"


"Kayleigh looks so cute when she's asleep"

"She looks cute all the time"

"I am so happy you're marrying her. She gets to be my mommy. I never told you this before daddy but I was really really sad when you and my mother broke up. I cried a lot. I didn't understand why she didn't want me. But I get it. Something was like Rae needs Kayleigh so it gave me Kayleigh"

When I hear this I wrap my arms even tighter around her

I open my eyes and see Daniel walking over

"I'm sorry baby for what happened"

"It's okay. I told you I have Kayleigh"

"Kayleigh's the best right"

"Uh huh the bestest in the universe"

"I love you guys" I take Daniels hand looking in his beautiful eyes

"Oh you're awake"

"Yeah and I'm happy to be awake. Rae hearing you say all of that about me made me feel good and special"

"Well, it's true. I love you"

"We both love you"

"That's it I want to get married now"

We all laugh and continue watching the movie

I lean down and whisper to Rae

"I am so happy I get to become your mommy"

She turns around and kisses my cheek

"And I'm so happy to become your daughter." She hugs me and I almost cry instead one tear slips

"Don't cry" she smiles and wipes the tear away

I kiss her forehead and smile back

"Okay cuties stop that"

"Stop what"

"Being cute"

"Oh daddy cute girls can't just stop being cute it's impossible" Rae says flipping her hair

"Very true"

She giggles and we finish the movie

✅ Step-daughter// D.S ✅Where stories live. Discover now