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"MOMMY!!!!" Ryland screams as soon as we walk into the house

he runs over to her and jumps into her arms which she unfortunately doesn't catch him

he falls on the ground and everyone gasps

"oh no. baby are you okay" she asks him

"i good. why didn't you catch me"

"i tried i'm sorry" she says and i look over to see her looking sad

"hey mommy's a little weaker right now. she just got out of the hospital bed she's not used to all your action bud"

"oh no i hurt momma?"

"no baby don't worry come here" she picks him up and kisses his cheek

"well what is everyone staring at i'm home let's party!" she yells and everyone laughs

it's amazing how happy she can be right now

she just left the hospital after a while of laying in that horrible bed and normal people would be sad and depressed but nope not my wife

shes happy and excited and looking so beautiful

i walk over to her as she's talking to my mom while holding Ryland and I ruffle his hair making him giggle

"hey guys"

"hi daddy. grammy wants me to sleep over so you and momma can have alone time"

"oh really"

"mhm can i"

"i don't know. mom you've been taking care of him a lot"

"i know but i love it. hes just so adorable"

"aw thank grammy"

"of course my little guy"

"anyways Kayleigh didn't you want to have him tonight"

"yeah i did but if he wants to go there i get it."

"i'm sure he only wants to because i'm offering right Ryland" my mom says


"are you sure cause i mean recently she's been taking care of you like shes your mom instead of me"

"what are you saying?" i ask her as i notice she's looking down

"nothing forget it. so ryland are you gonna stay home with mommy and daddy or go to grammys"

"stay sorry grammy"

"it's okay your mommy needs you right now"

"speaking of what i need wheres Rae?"

"oh she's probably somewhere around let's go look for her" i grab Kayleigh's hand and we walk around

we find Rae on the couch on her phone and i tap her shoulder

"get off the phone and socialize with your family"

"i already did. i'm done with socializing" she says with an attitude rolling her eyes

"why are you rolling your eyes at me"

"i'm annoyed i don't understand why i have to be down here right now"

"hey kayleigh can you take Ryland somewhere so i can talk to her"

"yeah" she smiles and they walk over to Jonah

i sit next to Rae and she rolls her eyes again

"stop that"


"so why are you so angry"

"like i said i don't see why i have to be down here"

"we're celebrating Kayleigh"

"why she's not healed she still has cancer"

"yeah well she's out of the hospital"

"who cares she's just going to go back"

"well i care Rae. i care a lot. it makes her happy to see how everyone cares about her being back"

"i don't"

"wow Rae that is awful of you to say"

"what i don't. she's just going to go back and get more treatment and then she'll come back home and then go back and it will keep going on until she dies"

"Go upstairs now"


"i said go upstairs you're being extremely disrespectful to me and rude to Kayleigh. The fact that you even brought up the fact that she may die is just awful"

"dad if you recognize the fact now that she most likely won't be here in 10 years then it will hurt less when it happens"

"well guess what Raelyn I don't want to 'recognize that fact'. i don't want to even think about her dying. I don't even like thinking and recognizing the fact that she has this cancer in her. I wish she was fine and healthy and happy and wasn't hurting and slowly dying inside but i can't have that. and i can't have that because she does have cancer and she does have a chance of dying and i have the chance of losing the love of my life. and because of this i had this party, celebration whatever it is to help her feel better and know she is cared about and loved. yeah in three weeks she is going back to the hospital to get more treatment but that doesn't mean i'm not going to be happy and celebrate that she's fine enough to be home and be with me. oh and her children who she missed so much while she was at the hospital. and don't even say that she only missed Ryland because matter of fact she missed you too and she missed you a whole lot. everyday she asked if you would go and visit her cause she missed you."

"i doubt that"

"whatever Rae doubt it. i don't care. now excuse me i'm going to go to my wife and be with her and celebrate that she is home and then i'm going to make everyone leave and let her sleep in a real bed with real blankets and i'm going to make her feel so special and loved. and i'm going to do that every time she gets back home from the hospital because that's what she deserves. all she does is give love to everyone and doesn't expect anything back."

"i'm so-"

"don't say you're sorry if you're not. now you can go upstairs because this is for people who care about Kayleigh and don't want to "recognize the fact now that she most likely won't be here in 10 years" because they say "it will hurt less when it happens". which by the way i promise you right now that if in ten years she's gone, even if she's gone in twenty or thirty years it won't hurt less. it will hurt the exact same. and i know for a fact that in ten years if she's not here you will be sad. i get sad now and i cry because of this"

"you cry?"

"yes Rae i cry. i cry every night because i love her so much. I cry because she may not be here in ten years. i cry because if that happens i won't have her anymore. i cry because she's the best thing to ever happen to me besides you and rylands births. and i cry the most because she doesn't get the same amount of love as she gives"

Rae starts to say something but Kayleigh comes over

"are we allowed back?"

"of course you guys are" i smile and grab her hand

she sits down and yawns as she places her head on my shoulder

i kiss her head and i see her smile wide

"umm i'm really tired can we get people to leave"

"of course we can. go up to the room and i'll take care of everyone"

"are you sure. i can help you with the people"

"yes babe i'm sure go upstairs"

"okay fine."

"momma i sleep you and daddy tonight"

"sure but only for a few minutes okay we want some alone time too"

"you just want kiss daddy" ryland giggles

"you caught me"

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