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*5 Months Later*



Right now I'm getting ready for the wedding and I'm getting my makeup on

The weddings in 2 hours and I can't wait for it to start

It's going to be a very small wedding on the beach. I don't have that many friends so it's mainly my cousins and grandparents and all of Daniels people

Since I have no friends we aren't doing the bridesmaid- groomsmen thing

As my cousin is helping me with my makeup Rae walks in the room


"Hi Rae"

"Hehe daddy wanted me to give this to you" she hands me a rose and a letter and leaves the room

I read the letter and it says 'hey baby I know you are currently getting ready and I just want to let you know I love you and I can't wait for later when I get to see you in your dress I already know you're going to look beautiful. And I especially can't wait till after the wedding when I get to see what's under that dress if you know what I mean. Anyways I love you'

"Aww he's so cute" my cousin says finishing the rest of my makeup

"I know I'm so excited"

"So what do you want your hair to look like"

"I don't care do whatever"

"It's your wedding you choose"

"Well I wanted something like this" I show her a picture of something really pretty but complicated
"but I don't want you to do it because it's a lot and you've already done so much for me"

"Are you crazy don't worry about me today's your day. Plus that's so easy"

"Are you sure"

"Yes of course Seriously today's about you"

"Okay then can you please do it"

"I already finished it" she takes a picture of the back and shows me

"Woah that looks so pretty"

"I know now let's put on your dress"

"Oh god it's real now"

"Yeah" she laughs and takes my dress out of this dress bag

I put it on and it looks really pretty

I put it on and it looks really pretty

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"Oh my god you look so beautiful"

"Do you think he'll like it"

"Omg yes he definitely will"

"I hope cause I really loved this"

"Don't worry he's going to love it so much"

"Wait can you see the stab scars it's a little see through around them"

"You can see a little bit of them"

"Oh no that's not good. Oh my god this is awful. He's going to leave me he's going to walk right off of that beach. WHAT IF HE DROWNS HIMSELF. Oh no I need a new dress I can't wear this"

"Kayleigh calm down none of that is going to happen. Your scars show everything you've been through"

"But they're ugly and gross"

"No they aren't you're just making an excuse to be nervous"

"No I'm not"

"Yes you are"

"Fine I am I'm just so nervous. I love Daniel so much and I want to look perfect for him"

"You realize that you could've worn literally nothing or something super ugly and he still would think it looks perfect"

"I guess"

"Well guess what. It's one hour till the wedding"

"You're joking"


"Oh my god what does that mean"

"Well people are walking in well on and Daniel is going to be walking on in 30 minutes and then it will be you soon"

"I'm scared"

"Don't be"

"Does this mean everyone will be staring at me"

It's now the time. I am almost about to walk out and I'm scared. Literally I am shaking. My cousin from before is also taking pictures so technically she'll be walking out first which is a little bit comforting

"You ready" she whispers


"Well you're gonna have to be cause well it's time"


"Look" I look up and everyone is turned around looking towards us

"Oh god"

She stands in front of me and turns her back facing everyone so that the camera is facing me and she walks backwards out basically what all this means is I gotta go

People stand up and suddenly I have to walk down

I take a deep breath and start to walk

I hear gasps and claps and a bunch of everything but I try not to focus on them and continue to walk

If I focus on all of that i know I'll walk right past all of this and straight into the water and I don't want to do that

Okay why is this walkway so lo- oh wait I'm there

I turn around and face Daniel

I give him a smile and he laughs

"Hi" I mouth to him

He shakes his head and the thing starts
"Do you Daniel James Seavey take Kayleigh Sophia Johnson to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in marriage?  Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live?" I had to google this lol

"I do"

"Now do you Kayleigh Sophia Johnson take Daniel James Seavey to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in marriage?  Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him, for as long as you both shall live"

"I do"

"Can we have Raelyn Paige Seavey to bring up the rings"

She walks up to us with the rings and giggles waving to everyone

Everyone laughs and she hands them to the guy

He hands mine to Daniel and he places it on my left ring finger and I do the same with his

"By the power invested in me by the state of California I now pronounce you Daniel James Seavey and Kayleigh Sophia Seavey husband and wife. You may kiss the bride"

Daniel grabs my face and we share a beautiful kiss

Wow it's real we're married

We walk off the alter hand in hand and I wipe my tears as we walk down the isle out of the beach area

"Wow it's real" he tells me

"Omg omg omg we're married we're really really married ahhh" I jump up and down and attack him in a hug

"You're so cute"

"No im not cute I'm SUPER cute"

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