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its been three months since her first chemo session and since then she's had 15 more

she's starting to be tired more and less able to do things for herself which is scary

but i know it's the chemo working

i don't know if she's aware but she's starting to lose her hair

i realized it as i was helping her shower, which by the way we have to shower in the dark because the light hurts her head

she's sleeping right now while i'm making dinner

rylands at my moms house and Rae's at Jaces who in fact is her boyfriend despite my opinion

"OH MY GOD NO" i hear her scream from upstairs and i run in our room

"what's wrong!" i shout

"dani-dani look. its m-my hair it's everywhere" she points to the pillow where there's a bunch of her hair around it

"i-its happening" she says as she pulls at her hair, chunks coming off

"hey hey relax stop pulling" i tell her grabbing her hands

"my hairs falling off"

"i know baby., it's from the chemo it's a sign it's working"

"you arent going to love me anymore" she says weak

"dont say that. i will always love you. i told you this in the beginning and i still mean it now. you're always beautiful."

"can we shave it" she whispers

"do you want too?"


"of course" i kiss her forehead and walk to get my hair razor i don't know the real name of it the one the people use to shave heads

"are you sure you want to shave it?" i ask

"yes daniel"


we clean up the hair on the bed and after i sit her on my lap

"you're going to look wonderful" i tell her and i see her smile

i plug in the razor and turn it on

"i'm excited" she tells me

"see i knew you wouldn't mind"

i start to shave the rest of her hair off her head and she still looks stunning

like seriously she looks so amazing

i finish shaving it and i throw away the hair

"wow" i whisper to myself

i look at her and she's smiling

"dani i like it" she tells me

"just like, i love it you look beautiful babe"

"thank you" she turns around and kisses me and i smile

"of course. now we won't waste as much water and you won't waste all your money on hair products" i tell her and she laughs

"you're so funny" she kisses me again and i truly can see she's happy

i love seeing her happy

✅ Step-daughter// D.S ✅Where stories live. Discover now