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"Well you will have a boy"

"Oh my god really"

"Yup you can see right here" she points to the picture and i tear up

"Omg Dani look" I point to it excitedly and he walks over

"Oh cool"

For some reason he doesn't seem excited

But the nurse is in here and I don't want to ask him if he isnt while she's in the room cause it would be awkward for her
We leave the doctors and drive home

"Why weren't you excited?" I finally ask him

"It's just that I've seen ultrasounds like a million times"

"Oh so it's not exciting"

"Not really"

"But it's our son in my stomach. And that's so cool"

"I guess but I mean it's not my first time seeing it"

"So does that mean nothing will be exciting during this."

"I guess not"

"So seeing him, naming him, feeling him kick, all of that"

"Kayleigh are you trying to say I'm not excited for my baby"

"No I just- well it just seems like you don't necessarily care that much"

"I do care a lot. I'm just saying I already experienced all of this with Rae"

"But that was with your ex, this is with me it's different"

"It's all the same"

"Whatever" I roll my eyes and we continue to drive
We finally get home and I go straight to the couch to ignore Daniel

I'm really upset with him. He could at least pretend to be excited about this child.

If it was me and it was my second child with a much better wife than my first I would be so excited and want to be even extra than the first

But no Daniels cold hearted and doesn't feel the same

Okay that's a little intense but still he isn't me

He comes next to me and turns the T.V on

"What do you want to watch?" He asks

"Something we haven't seen before. It won't be as good of a movie if we've already watched it."

"Okay. What about this one"

"No I've seen that before"

"But I haven't"

"But I have, so why should I have to go through it again and watch it and deal with all the emotions even though you haven't. Yeah it's not my movie and I didn't make the movie and I'm not in the movie but why should I still watch it for you and enjoy it for you"

"Are you still upset about the baby thing"

"Of course I am. I want you to be excited for the baby and everything with it but just because you had Rae once you won't be excited. I feel like it's unfair to me. Will you not be as helpful when he comes because with Rae all you did was help"


"No I feel like you'll not treat him the same cause he's not your first. And I feel like you'll not give him all your love"

"Kayleigh, this baby isn't only yours. I contributed to the making and of course I'm going to treat him the same. Why would I treat my baby that I made different from the other baby that I made. And I will give all my love to this baby too."

"I'm sorry. I'm just scared. I'm scared you won't love him and I don't know why. I shouldn't be scared but I am. I don't want to think you won't love him cause I'm sure you will."

"It's okay. I understand how you feel. And I'm sorry as well that I didn't get more excited."

"I love you"

"I love you too and I love that boy in your stomach the same maybe even more"

✅ Step-daughter// D.S ✅Where stories live. Discover now