"I told you not to call me that," I growled at them. I looked to the other boy. "Harry? As in Harry Potter?"

He nodded.

"Do you really have the..." Ron wondered.

Harry already knew what he was talking about and showed us the lighting bolt scar on his forehead. "Whoa," I muttered. "Do you remember much from...OW!"

"Don't ask him that!" I scolded him. "Just green light," Harry told us. "So, what is your name? Since you asked them not to call you Joanna?"

"Well, that is my real name but I prefer to be called Joy," I told him. "Are your families wizards? All of them?"

"Mine is. We heard you live with Muggles, what is that like?" Ron asked Harry. "Horrible," Harry told him. "Joy? What about you?"

"Didn't have the greatest childhood, got raised in an orphanage..."

"Oh, what happened to your parents?" Harry asked me. His cheeks turned pink. "Sorry! You don't have to answer that..."

"No, it's okay," I brushed it off. "My mum died when I was a baby and my dad's Merlin knows where. My aunt adopted me when I was eight so I've been living with her ever since. She was fourteen when my mum died so she couldn't raise me until she had a house and a job."

"So you have three brothers?" Harry turned to Ron. "I have five actually and a sister, Joy is basically another sister to me."

"Where do you live?" Harry asked me. "In a big house in the Forest of Dean, Gloucester, it's peaceful," I told him. "What's your story?"

"Uh..I think you already know," Harry murmured. "No, not that one, when you got your letter," I specified.

"Well, I only found out I was a wizard when I got it," Harry admitted. "Hagrid told me everything, about my parents and Voldemort."

Ron and I gasped. "You said You-Know-Who's name," I was gobsmacked. "I didn't know I wasn't supposed to," Harry explained. "I have a lot to learn."

"And we'll be happy to teach you," I smiled at him.

There was a knock on the door and the trolley witch stopped by. "Anything from the trolley."

I sighed and I leaned back, realising I left my money deep in my trunk. "We'll take the lot," Harry declared, surprising me and Ron.


"Aw no!" I complained, grimacing at the jellybean I ate. "Liquorice."

"But isn't liquorice supposed to be nice?" Harry frowned, confused at my reaction. "To me, it tastes like old tar," I muttered, eating a Cauldron Cake to get rid of the taste.

A round faced boy popped his head in. "Have you seen a toad anywhere?" he asked us.

"No, sorry," Ron told him. "I've lost him," the boy was sobbing. "He's gone!"

He left the compartment. "Do you have any pets with you?" I asked Harry. "I have an owl," he told me. "Me too. Ron has a rat named Scabbers. My owl is named Biscuit, most annoying owl in the world," I sighed.

"Want to see real magic?" Ron asked us and I could tell where this was going.

"Ron, George was just having you on, I told you this three times, it's not a real spell," I mumbled.

He had his wand pointed at Scabbers and was about to turn him yellow apparently.

"Has anyone seen a toad?" a bushy haired girl with big front teeth poked her head into our compartment. "A boy named Neville lost him."

Window into the PastOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora