"Confident, aren't you? You're already joining me in Meereen." Rhaenar teased softly after she calmed down for a moment.

"I like to think of it as testing the fates. I say I will come out on top, then I will come out on top. If I say I will become a guard on your Queensguard, then I will become a guard on your Queensguard." She loved his enthusiasm, the lightness he had to him as he jested her. It had been a while a man had done so with her, at least outside of her party; they were all too afraid of her status as Queen.

Rhae leaned forward. "And what if the fates allow you, but I don't?"

"You've been laughing far too much to say no to me. I'll be lucky if you don't beg me to become a member, whether I win or not." He jutted his chin at her, crossing his arms in front of her.

"I haven't even seen you fight yet, and you're telling me I'll be begging. I don't beg for anything." She told him, a twinkle alighting in his eyes.

"You'll be begging for me, believe me My Queen." A hand clamped down on Malthar's shoulder, Sebastion moving to sit beside him.

He smiled to her. "He isn't giving you any trouble, is he?" He asked softly, his bright green eyes sparkling as he looked at his commander.

"Please, me giving any trouble? I think you have me confused." Malthar said with a smile, Sebastion rolling his eyes as he looked to the Queen before him.

"Have you spoken to Harry yet? I think the preparations for today is driving him insane." Sebastion exclaimed, drifting his gaze to those that strolled around them. "I haven't seen him this stressed since that Qartheen trader said he'd charge 40,000 Golden Dragons per elephant he bought." Malthar's brows rose.

Rhaenar shook his head. "Why is he stressed? This is just a friendly competition."

Sebastion smirked. "This isn't just a friendly competition to him, he needs to impress a Dragon Queen." Rhaenar rolled her eyes lightly, shaking her head.

"Let me find him, explain that this is just a friendly competition." She shuffled, keeping the long coat together as her legs swung over the bench.

"He's invited the Sealord of Braavos by the way, and several other important figureheads. I think they wish to discuss something with you." She groaned but nodding, grabbing a quick mouthful of eggs before standing.

"Thank you, Malthar, Sebastion." Rhaenar uttered before departing, fiddling with the dragon pin in the back of her hair; her braids slightly messier than usual. She wasn't anywhere near as good as Missandei, but part of her did it because she missed their daily gossip sessions in the morning; she missed Missandei as a whole. She hoped she was ruling Meereen well, that everything was going smoothly.

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